Monday, June 2, 2008

Getting Beach Ready For The Summer

Seems like common sense, but worth repeating.

Here's advice from doctors at Meridian on getting your family 'Beach-Ready' this summer.

-Think about packing these items:- sandals to protect the bottom of your feet- hats, sunglasses, and SPF 15 sunscreen (or higher, even on cloudy days)
- an umbrella or canopy for shade- bottles of water to stay cool and hydrated
- loose-fitting clothing
- a cooler with ice packs to keep cold foods at or below 40 degrees F
- moist towelettes to clean handsTo avoid mishaps:- stay only where there's a lifeguard on duty
- look for warning flags in case it's not safe to swim
- keep little ones no more than an arm's length away
- if you get stuck in a current or riptide, don't try to swim against it, but across it.
- toss perishable food if it has sat out for more than two hours
- teach the kids not to touch crabs, jellyfish, etc.
- keep the beach clean!

Experts also remind you that if you're planning to be on a boat:
- make sure the operator is not drinking alcohol
- check the weather forecast first
- make sure everyone on the boat wears life jackets
- keep a first-aid kit aboard- only boat with an experienced operator
- make sure there's a radio or cell phone to call for help


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