Monday, June 16, 2008

Riding In A Pedicab

I've seen them all over Manhattan in the past few years, but not locally. So the boys and I were thrilled this weekend when we decided to take a long walk at the beach and lake and then realized we were too tired to get where we were going but too tired to make it home in the muggy heat. That's when a 'pedicab' pulled up and we hopped in!

It was a guy on a bike pulling a little shaded carriage for the three of us to ride in and the kids got the biggest kick out of it! I hope this idea catches on, 'cause there are always those times when you can't park close to the beach and you'd give anything not to have to hike two miles with the children! W

hat a great way to get across town, too, especially if you'd like a drink or two during one of those summer celebrations and don't want to drive! Thanks to Kevin and Diving Duck Cab Co. I wasn't stranded with my kids!

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