Monday, June 9, 2008

Cleaning Safety Tips

The New Jersey Poison Information and Education System has issued some cleaning safety tips. Even if you think you know better, there are some interesting ideas on this list, especially the last one.

- Good ventilation is key in getting harsh fumes from cleaning products out of the house. Simply opening a window is not enough to eliminate dangerous fumes or odors. An exhaust fan can help eliminate the fumes and circulate fresh air.

- Read the labels on household cleaning products. DO NOT mix products

- two products combined can produce toxic results and put you in the hospital before you know it.

- Try to clean when kids and pets are NOT present. Keep products locked up and clean up all spills immediately and thoroughly. Common cleaning products that can be poisonous include furniture polish, oven cleaner, and window cleaner.

- Try to use natural cleaners to limit air pollution in your home. Try vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda.

- Test your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors to make sure they're working. Change your batteries twice a year.

- Make sure to throw away medicines that are not being used. Check expiration dates frequently on all over-the-counter and prescription medications. Combine expired or leftover medicines with used coffee grounds, kitty litter, or something else bad-tasting to children and animals. Place this in a coffee can with a lid, and discard with your household trash.

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