Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ways to help with weight loss:

Whenever you have a drink, make it water.
Drink water only.
No diet soda, no juices, no coffee, etc.
Cut your portions.
Don't skip breakfast.
Keep a food journal so you can look back and see exactly what you've put in your mouth and to see your patterns of grabbing food on the run or in stressful moments.
If you can avoid it, don't eat after 7pm.
Don't eat fast food.
Limit sugar and wheat-based products.
No diet or fat-free food.
Those foods contain a lot of ingredients that you can't even pronounce.
Eat slowly and chew your food well.
Eat when you're hungry.
Not because you're sad, mad, tired, or stressed.
Limit your red meat.
Don't eat foods that have a 10 year shelf life.
Go for the real, fresh stuff.
Don't snack yourself to weight gain.
Eat meals that are satisfying, not snack foods that will give you a sugar high followed by a crash.

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