Monday, March 30, 2009

Relationships To Avoid

After much controversy on our show, here is the 'official' list from the 'experts' on the types of relationships to avoid:

1. Rebound relationships: If one of the partners has very recently ended a relationship then he or she is still dealing with the fallout and pain from the break up and can't give the current relationship the care and feeding it needs to succeed.

2. Jailbreak relationships: Where one of the partners either moves in with or marries a partner right after he or she leaves his or her parent's home for the first time. There needs to be an adjustment to the 'adult' way of living before a relationship can prosper.

3. Pedestal relationships: If you put your partner on a pedestal, you probably question your own self-worth. the balance of power is messed up and the relationship will be out of whack.

4. Broken Wing Relationships: If one of the partners is emotionally fragile or wounded it becomes the other partner's responsibility to come to the rescue. This makes for an unbalanced relationship that is doomed to fail.

5. Shallow relationships: There are many superficial reasons why we become infatuated with another person: money, beauty, fame, talent, shock value....These qualities can never substitute for important stuff like inner beauty, core values, and a healthy sense of self.

6. Affairs: Cheaters are liable to hurt the feelings of their current partner and/or their affair partner. And you may always have trouble trusting them.

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