Monday, April 21, 2008

Watching Mariah

Mariah Carey is all over the tv and tabloids these days and although she has new music out, all the talk is about how great she looks because she lost 20 pounds and went down to a size 2. So I thought back to the last time I really noticed Mariah on tv, and that was New Year's of 2007 when she was ringing it in on Dick Clark's show. And I remember thinking she looked rather heavy to be wearing such skimpy clothing.

Turns out that at the height of her 'fat stage' she weighed a whopping 140 pounds and was a size 8. This is why girls everywhere struggle with looking 'normal' when they think 'normal' is 120, size 2. Heck, 140, size 8 is still bordering on abnormally thin, if you ask me. We have got to stop comparing ourselves to abnormally skinny celebs and then calling ourselves obese in comparison. We should all just strive for loving ourselves the way we are and work toward becoming healthier, stronger, and more confident, without having to be a size 2.

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