Friday, February 1, 2008

Why Women Have It Harder Than Men

Got this email from a listener, thought I'd pass it along:

1. The training bra at age 9-ish

2. Bloating, cramping, pms, every month, for YEARS. Need I say more?

3. Pregnancy: living on dry crackers and leaning over the toilet bowl puking while getting our insides kicked, our bellies turning into giant watermelons, peeing our pants whenever we sneeze, swollen feet, and having our water burst in the middle of the mall or some other embarassing location....and THEN...

4. Giving birth: screaming and pushing and cursing and begging for drugs...not to mention the SIZE of the thing we have to push out in relation to the size of the place it's coming out of

5. Bringing home those little angels and raising them, from changing poopy diapers to going through their teen years, while being taken completely for granted And we don't even want to TALK about what happens to our hormones after THAT! And men wonder why we think we have it harder than them?!!! Let's not even talk about the still male-dominated career world, the fact that men don't have to take maternity leave and lose their place on the raise and promotion chain and the rest of the things that haven't even been mentioned on this list! Feel free to add on!

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