Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How To Have The Best Valentine's Day Ever

From author Susan Apollon, a psychologist, here are ways to have the best Valentine's Day ever:

1. Commit to Unconditional Love: To You, From You. Until you love yourself you can't fully love another person. It should never be about having a great body, a high-profile job, or tons of money. There should be no strings attached to adoring your whole self.

2. Get High Energy This Valentine's Day: Love is one of the highest energies. So choose to become your own priority and love yourself unconditionally. Do things that feel good. (See my recent blog on that topic).

3. Breathe in Love Every Day: Each morning and evening take a few moments to focus on long, deep, relaxing breathing. Visualize love coming to you, perhaps through a higher power or a guardian angel.

4. Affirm and Visualize Love: Envision yourself filling up with love. Affirm your worth several times a day. Remind yourself that you deserve the joy of giving and receiving pure love.

5. Incorporate Your Own Strengths into Your Affirmations: Everyone is blessed with different attributes. Remind yourself of all your fabulous qualities.

6. Practice Forgiveness: Tell yourself that you refuse to be weighed down with memories of negative things that have happened in your past. Forgive yourself and those whom you are still holding anger towards.

7. Release Your Attachment to Your Vision: If you spend Valentine's Day hoping for roses, romance, or even an engagement ring, don't be resentful if that's not what you get, or you'll be missing the whole point of love. Your attachments to an ideal only set you up for a fall when perfection doesn't materialize. Remember, real love doesn't come with conditions. When you love unconditionally, you don't need anything in return. Remember that the person you love is not responsible for meeting your checklist of expectations for happiness. Instead, focus on sending love to everyone you know every day. Then you'll see and feel all the love you need when it comes back to you in its many forms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw why thank you for posting these tips Liz, very, very insightful! For me, personally, on Vday there is nothing better than a warm, intimate dinner at home (as laid back as possible, in my opinion!) I just believe that it is so, soo important to have a day where you focus on your loved one and letting them know how much they mean to you. I just so happen to have the inside scoop on a fantastic contest about love and expressing love going on right now that you ladies should definitely take a quick peek at sometime; I work for Dove Chocolates (perfect for this time of year, huh? haha) and we have this contest going on right now called the "Expressions of Love" contest, where we're basically asking ladies like you to submit their most creative ideas for letting someone know you love them...and get this, the winner will receive a 5.58cts "Baby's Breath" diamond necklace worth $21,000!! THAT would definitely be a nice trinket to open on Vday ;) I'd definitely love to have some ladies like you who really do care about Valentine's day enter, so feel free to go to and leave your most creative submission!
We also have these ridiculously adorable customizable boxes of chocolates available for Vday this year, so if you're trying to think of cute gift ideas, definitely take a look ;)
Thank you ladies, hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day, and let me know if you enter! :0)