Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ways To Revive Your Relationship

Ways To Revive Your Relationship (according to marriage counselors and therapists)

1. Just Do It! Get romantic even if you're not in the mood. Once you get going, you might get into it.

2. Attack the Problem, Not the Person. Try talking about the problem you're struggling with instead of pointing fingers at the other person and blaming them.

3. Praise...Even If You Don't Feel Like It. People are deeply attracted to those who are interested in them and appreciate them. So shower your partner with interest and adoration.

4. Slow Down. Be present. Notice your partner's good hair day or that they're wearing a sexy shirt.

5. Talk. Talk gets taken for granted and sometimes gets lost entirely. Spend time every day talking with your partner..and not about the bills.

6. Bring Back The Fun. Change it up. Bring something new to the table every month: try a class together, an activity, remember the things that were fun when you were dating and revisit them.

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