Monday, October 5, 2009

Why Men Cheat

Doctors of Human Development have a list of the reasons why men cheat. The number of men who cheat hasn't changed much since 1950: 50% of men cheat at some point in their marriages.

The number one reason: Men crave sexual variety. Other top reasons: They're unahppy with their mates. And another big reason: Boredom.

Now here are the reasons men SAY they cheat:

1. She's not what she used to be. If she's let her herself go, a guy may start looking at other women.

2. No one loves a nag. Perhaps nothing will drive a married man into the arms of another woman faster than a nagging wife.

3. She just doesn't 'get' him. Men who cheat say they don't feel understood by their mate.

4. It's the thrill. They like to play with fire. It adds a level of danger, which adds to the excitement.

5. Blame it on the 'hunter.' Some men just find themselves compelled to bust out of their day-to-day routine in search of something new. It's a primitive instinct that dates back to their role as hunter. Only this time, they're hunting new women.

6. Biology. It's in a man's biological nature to be with as many females as possible. And even a guy who has the most beautiful woman on earth can get sick of her body and want to see another one.

7. It's just sex. For most guys, sex and love are two entirely different things. Some really believe they can still love their wife AND want to have sex with other women. They separate that in their brain, which usually allows a guy to cheat guilt-free.

8. Not tonight, dear. Let's face it. men want more sex than women. So when their partner is tired from wrangling kids all day and unwilling to try new things, even the most loyal hubbies can get bored and go looking.

9. Because they can. It's hard for men to resist temptation, especially when it's at their fingertips. Including the internet.

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