Tuesday, September 2, 2008

YMCA of Western Monmouth County's annual Golf Outing

The Freehold Borough YMCA Community Center offers supervised, supportive activities to as many as 200 children a day in the summer and during the school year. Approximately 25 children a day enjoy the community center after school and on Saturdays. All of the children who visit the center are Freehold Borough residents, and most are between the ages of 8 and 13.
At the Center, girls and boys can participate in a variety of free activities such as the Youth Leaders Club, the Youth & Government Program, as well as obtain homework help and participate in fitness activities. Their participation is made possible through the YCares Financial Assistance Program, which offers scholarships to anyone who wants to join the Y family but does not have the financial resources to do so. Each year the YMCA earmarks funds for the operation of the Freehold Borough YMCA Community Center.
Your participation in upcoming events will help to continue to provide these very needed services to these deserving children.
One upcoming event is the YMCA of Western Monmouth County's annual Golf Outing. It takes place Monday, October 6th, at Battleground Country Club. For information, contact Annie Stattel at 732-462-0464, x. 132, or by email: astattel@ymcanj.org
Another upcoming event is "America On The Move Week", where you can improve your health and have some fun at the YMCA of Western Monmouth County on September 20th. Registration begins at 10 am and a one mile fun walk begins at 11:30 am. Call 732-462-0464, x. 154, or go to ymcanj.org

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