Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wrong Window Opens At Brookdale

went to opening night of "Wrong Window" this past Friday at Brookdale Community College's Performing Arts Center and it was even better than my expectations. If you crave a good laugh, you must see this show. In fact, I laughed so hard that I cried. We're talking mascara-running-down-my-face crying.

This show was written by and stars Billy Van Zandt and Jane Milmore and does not disappoint. Billy is hilarious and so is his "neighbor" Glen Jones. The two of them and their zany physical comedy and funny lines will have you laughing so loud and hard that you'll have trouble catching your breath. Jeff Babey is disgustingly funny, Art Neill is downright creepy in a crazy-funny way. Jane Milmore and Susan Travers reminded me of Lucy and Ethel at their best! Billy and Jane - I don't know how you keep topping yourselves and writing funnier and funnier comedies each spring!

Mark Fleming is a great director, and this show is just tremendous. Oh, and a note to Jennifer Bukovec...I never would've thought that 'playing dead' could be so funny! Wrong Window runs through June 7th, so treat yourself to a night of fun. You can call 732-224-2411 for tickets. And you may see me there because I'll surely be going back again!

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