Monday, March 10, 2008


I've been saying it for years and many moms seem to agree....we seem to lose brain cells once we have kids. Now there's an actual term for this problem, "Momnesia", in an article in USA Today.

This term is (lovingly) used for mothers who hop in their cars and forget where they were supposed to go, who occassionally leave wet laundry in the washing machine, forget to return phone calls, burn their favorite teapot by leaving it on the stove or put milk in the cabinet rather than the fridge, and who otherwise can't even remember the things they've forgotten. Scientists say we're not losing our minds....Momnesia really exists!

But it's not that we get dumber after childbirth. It's actually that (along with getting less quality sleep) our brains are getting more of a workout. Once your mommy brain gets readjusted, you get more efficient and you actually learn things faster, although this could take a few years.

Momnesia happens because moms need to be "hyper-vigilant" about their kids, which requires other parts of their brain to be taken offline. A worthy cause as we do everything we can to keep our children safe from harm. So joke around all you like but I'll take the term, and the change in priorities that causes it, any day because my children will always come first.

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