Monday, June 15, 2009

World's Germiest Attractions

TripAdvisor has come out with a list of the world's germiest attractions:

5. The Handprints and Footprints outside Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Although they're the handprints and footprints of some of the biggest stars in history, millions of fans place their fingers in the molds to see how their hand size matches up. Use sanitizer!

4. St. Mark's Square, Venice, Italy. As beautiful as it is, there are thousands of hungry pigeons circling overhead. Enough said.

3. Oscar Wilde's Tomb, Paris, France. It's covered in lipstick prints, with new kisses planted every year.

2. The Wall of Gum, Seattle, Washington. Visitors have stuck their gum to the wall since the '90's. Some even mold shapes and faces out of their chewed gum. And the number one world's germiest attraction:

1. The Blarney Stone, Blarney, Ireland. Up to 400,000 mouths from all over the world kiss the stone each year as they lean over backwards and upside down. Imagine all those germs!!!!!

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