Monday, March 16, 2009

Finding Inner Peace

In these stressful days, here are some ideas for meditating:

1. Choose a room that feels good and that has a chair or a comfortable place to sit that's peaceful, safe, and inviting. If possible, use the same location and sitting position every time. You want to create a sense of strong association so that this scene becomes a trigger in your mind's eye. With enough practice, you'll be able to immediately quiet and center yourself just by thinking of this space.

2. Play quiet, gentle music. Anything that helps you relax and get centered. Or medidate outside and listen to the sounds of nature.

3. Get into a meditative posture: Sit comfortably with your spine straight, feet flat on the floor, palms up. This will help you visualize.

4. Count to ten as you begin to quiet and center yourself. Inhale and exhale deeply as you count.

5. Give your breath color and shape. For example, green = healing, blue = peace, etc.

6. Follow your breath on its travels. Picture your breath journeying through your body, through every organ, limb, vertebrae, muscle, and tissue. Picture it flowing through your bloodstream. See yourself feeling good.

7. Find your mantra. Something like "I'm feeling more peaceful." Or, " I am grateful for my health and loved ones." Say it over and over in your mind.

8. Begin with gratitude. Be certain to give thanks for your blessings, which include your family and friends. Gratitude is a higher state of consciousness, so be very generous in reminding yourself of your life's blessings.

9. Love is the key. Imagine your whole body being filled up with love. Not romantic love, but pure, unconditional love - the kind you would feel for a baby or a puppy. If you would like to forgive someone, consciusly fill your heart with feelings of love and warmth for that person. Then visualize yourself putting that energy of love to good use in your life.

10. State your intention. After about ten or fifteen minutes of breathing, you will feel an inner shift of consciousness. Then, state your intention, perhaps "I want to love myself unconditionally", or, "I want to be joyful and at peace today."

1 comment:

Poppy said...

I really liked this post and it resonates particularly since I just finished reading this book