Friday, December 11, 2009

Tips for Successful Holiday Dating

From Dr. Helen Fisher, a biological anthropologist and scientific advisor

1. Family and romance don't always mix. Be careful about including him or her in family holiday activities.

2. Curb your generosity when buying your date presents or she/he may think you're more serious than you really are.

3. Do something 'different' with your date like a carriage ride, skating, sledding, or driving around to see outdoor Christmas lights. Unique activities drive up dopamine in the brain and can stimulate romance.

4. Holding hands with your date can affect oxytocin levels in the brain and increase feelings of trust and attachment.

5. At holiday parties, introduce your date to your friends, explain who people are, how you know them, and then continually include your date in your conversations.

6. There is a fine line between bragging and telling your date about yourself.

7. If you're drinking, be aware of how much you're drinking during your date.

8. Don't listen to everything your friends and family say about your date. You're dating this person, not them.

9. If you have the holiday blues, try not to let it affect your date, or consider waiting to date until after the holidays.

10. Be on time or call your date and let them know you're running late.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Day out with Her Girlfriend!

It starts early...Abby had a big day this weekend. One of her friends from school asked if she could go with her to her dance class. So her little friends Mom came and picked Abby up and took her to dance class.

Mom texted me and said.."Sue I think you're going to have to invest in $7.00 ballerina shoes." It was a little weird seeing my 3 year old getting into a different persons car other than ours or Abby's Grandparents but so cool for Abby. And I had an afternoon to myself. Wrapped some gifts and just did was wonderful!

When Abby got home...huge smile and a liberated Big 3 year old! And with Abby's friends..come some great Mom's and Dad's. So it's been alot of fun!


Is it a deal breaker for a guy to live with his parents?

Even if he's good looking, hard working, kind and funny?According to the relationship blog Your Tango, dating an adult male who still lives with mom and dad actually has some perks, including:

1. Clean Laundry. Many single guys are bad at keeping up with the laundry. Guys who live with mom usually have her to take care of keeping the clothing clean and respectable.

2. Less Competition. He may not exactly be a hot commodity if he's still living at home so there will be fewer women hounding him.

3. Good Food. A guy who lives with his parents will more than likely invite you over for one of mom's home-cooked meals.

4. Money Saved. A guy who lives at home is saving money on rent, which can be put toward longer-term objectives like his own house. Or it can be spent on you!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Guys: How To Flirt Like A Champ

(From Men's Health)

1. Focus -- When you're making a move on a woman, you must have just ONE focus -- getting her. Don't get distracted. Don't let your guard down.

2. Take Charge -- Be a warrior. Stand up and take care of your business. Don't ask a buddy to do your dirty work. Get in her face and make her love you.

3. Be Fascinating -- If you're boring take a few weeks and read some magazines. Learn a little about music, movies, and current events. Now you're fascinating and have stuff to talk about.

4. Live a Real Life -- There's a time and place for chatting women up on the internet and via text, but life is all about flesh-and-blood connections. Be bold. Get out and find some real women and get in their faces.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Here's how you know you're finally over him:

1. You haven't read his horoscope in over a month.

2. You stop taking the long way to work so you can check for unfamiliar cars in his driveway.

3. Your best friend suggests you delete the photo you've saved of him in your camera and you don't even flinch.

4. You meet someone new at a party and when he asks if you have a boyfriend you say 'no' instead of 'I did, but we broke up.'

5. You've stopped wondering if he'll call.

6. You no longer think of that pretty green dress in your closet as 'his favorite dress.'

7. You've stopped secretly following him on Facebook and Twitter.

8. You go on a date and don't feel the urge to mention your ex once.

9. You no longer compare new guys against the pros and cons of your ex.

10. You find an old t-shirt of his hiding in a drawer and you throw it out...or use it as a cleaning rag.

11. You spend a Saturday night at home with take-out and a chick flick and don't feel the least bit sorry for yourself.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Things Your Wife Or Girlfriend Hates About You


1. You don't pick up after yourself. Being tidy, at least a little bit, is vital to keep the peace. When things get out of control, they get gross -- and women melt down.

2. You stop trying -- Women are acutely aware of when guys stop trying to impress them. Marriage means you don't have to win her over anymore -- and this drives women bonkers.

3. You turn down sex -- On those rare occasions that your wife or girlfriend initiates and you don't respond, she is confused and irritated.

4. You ask her out via text -- Asking a woman out via text is a big turn-off. They'd much prefer you call.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What He'd Like To See You In

Cosmo asked guys “How do you like a girl to dress on a first date?”

64% said “Tight jeans and a hot top.”

One guy summed it up by saying that “This kind of outfit shows off her stuff without making her look like she’s trying too hard. It’s casual, so you know she’s game for anything.”

The runner-up was the little black dress – with 36% of guys saying that’s what they’d like to see women wearing on a first date.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ways To Revive Your Relationship

Ways To Revive Your Relationship (according to marriage counselors and therapists)

1. Just Do It! Get romantic even if you're not in the mood. Once you get going, you might get into it.

2. Attack the Problem, Not the Person. Try talking about the problem you're struggling with instead of pointing fingers at the other person and blaming them.

3. Praise...Even If You Don't Feel Like It. People are deeply attracted to those who are interested in them and appreciate them. So shower your partner with interest and adoration.

4. Slow Down. Be present. Notice your partner's good hair day or that they're wearing a sexy shirt.

5. Talk. Talk gets taken for granted and sometimes gets lost entirely. Spend time every day talking with your partner..and not about the bills.

6. Bring Back The Fun. Change it up. Bring something new to the table every month: try a class together, an activity, remember the things that were fun when you were dating and revisit them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ways Women Have Replaced Men With Technology

1. Artificial Insemination. Jennifer Anniston will star in an upcoming movie called The (Turkey) Baster! No lie!

2. HGTV (my favorite channel!!!!!) and Power Tools. Fix-it projects used to be the domain of men. Not anymore. HGTV along with do-it-yourself stores like Home Depot and Lowes have given women the access to tools and the know-how to use them.

3. Bug Spray. Men used to be handy because they were in charge of spider-squashing. These days, women no longer need men to step on the bugs. They just need to reach for the Raid.

4. Pepper Spray and Tasers. Once upon a time women were afraid to be out alone at night without a male bodyguard. and

5. know.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Unsung Heroes Who Deserve Holiday Gratitude

According to a new survey, here are the people you should remember with a gift or tip this season.

Unsung Heroes Who Deserve Holiday Gratitude:

10. Administrative Assistants
9. Health Care Workers
8. Clergy Members
7. Postal Workers
6. Your Boss
5. House Cleaners
4. Your Childcare Provider
3. Co-Workers
2. Teachers and Tutors
1. Neighbors

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Turnpike Series

I received a funny email from a loyal listener and Mets fan today that I wanted to pass along to all of you, sent in by Ted from Eatontown with his view of this World Series:

As a Mets fan I am happy it's Philadelphia vs. the Yankees. Why you ask? Well, ONE of these teams will win the World Series BUT one of these teams will LOSE and that is the Mets fan's reward. We get to see agony, disappointment, sorrow, and all the things we felt in our '09 season on the faces of either the Yankees followers or the Phillie fans.

As a bonus, maybe the umpires can miss a call or two in the series so the Yank/Philly fans can lose sleep, cry, pout, and vomit over someone being out to get their team the way we did with the Mets.

World Series ticket: $300
World Series Program: $50.00
Parking: $25.00
Umpire blowing a call in this World Series: PRICELESS

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eight Pesky Behaviors That Can Kill A Relationship

1. Having an affair with his 'potential'. Acting like he'll be great following an 'extreme makeover' means you don't like him unless he changes.

2. Major mood swings. It's not good to take your personal stress out on your man. An occasional mood swing happens to the best of us, but when moody is the norm it'll kill a relationship.

3. Complaining to your friends. We all like to blow off steam but if you're picking up the phone every time he upsets you then you're going to have more of a relationship with your friends than you would if you communicated with your man.

4. Melodrama. If dating you means he has to get you flowers every time he leaves the toilet seat up...he's likely to find a lower maintenance girl.

5. Mothering him. Taking care of each other comes with the terrirory, but if you're the one cutting his nights short because you know he's got a 'big day tomorrow' or yelling for him to turn off the video game, you're rapidly turning into a mother instead of a lover.

6. Too much time together. Avoid being glued to your mate 24/7. Have a life.

7. Jealousy. You find a guy who actually tells you he loves you, but you're still checking his phone, hacking his email, and suspicious of his every moment away from you. A bit of jealousy is normal, but letting it run your life is unattractive.

8. Getting too comfortable. Eventually routine kicks in, but that doesn't mean it's time to abandon all effort. Be sure to keep romance alive and grooming a priority. Take the time to look your best and show you're not taking him for granted.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Radiothon Thank You's

There were so many people who helped us to have a successful radiothon this year, but there were a few people who helped me personally that I wanted to mention, too!

My close friends who stopped by to keep me company will get private thank-you's, but I really wanted to say thank you here to: Tracy at Salon By The Sea in Sea Girt for doing my hair (and playing our radio station!), Andrea Rosenfeld from Hot Rox Jewelry for her generous donation, Michelle from Balanced Body Massage and Wellness Center in Neptune for the fantastic massage after about 16 hours on the air, and Leigh Ann Borelli from Face To Fase Facial Spa and Cosmetic Studio in downtown Toms River for the facial and fresh makeup at 1 am (Terry Loftus and Laurie Cataldo also loved the facial massages!) and Leigh Ann's generous donation of auction items was much appreciated, too! I am lucky to have such incredibly creative, kind, and generous girlfriends in my!

Thank you so much!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why Some Guys Fear Marriage

I read this in a men's magazine about what a group of guys sitting around at a wedding reception had to say when contemplating settling down.

1."Will this work?" Screwing up a marriage is bad. Screwing up a marriage after having a kid or two is worse. It's better not to marry any woman than to marry the wrong woman.

2. Somebody better? Is the woman you're with the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Wouldn't it be horrible if you married someone and then discovered a BETTER woman later on?

3. No more 'old life'. If you have fun just relaxing, reading the sports page in silence and grabbing wings and beer with your buddies at Hooters whenever you want, marriage is not for you and never will be. Because marriage means the end of silence and the end of your 'old life.' You'll be trading those Hooters wings for parties at home with the neighbors.

4. Kids. Bad wives can be gotten rid of. Kids? They're with you forever. And they're expensive. You're looking at many years of car payments...with no car.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Why Men Cheat

Doctors of Human Development have a list of the reasons why men cheat. The number of men who cheat hasn't changed much since 1950: 50% of men cheat at some point in their marriages.

The number one reason: Men crave sexual variety. Other top reasons: They're unahppy with their mates. And another big reason: Boredom.

Now here are the reasons men SAY they cheat:

1. She's not what she used to be. If she's let her herself go, a guy may start looking at other women.

2. No one loves a nag. Perhaps nothing will drive a married man into the arms of another woman faster than a nagging wife.

3. She just doesn't 'get' him. Men who cheat say they don't feel understood by their mate.

4. It's the thrill. They like to play with fire. It adds a level of danger, which adds to the excitement.

5. Blame it on the 'hunter.' Some men just find themselves compelled to bust out of their day-to-day routine in search of something new. It's a primitive instinct that dates back to their role as hunter. Only this time, they're hunting new women.

6. Biology. It's in a man's biological nature to be with as many females as possible. And even a guy who has the most beautiful woman on earth can get sick of her body and want to see another one.

7. It's just sex. For most guys, sex and love are two entirely different things. Some really believe they can still love their wife AND want to have sex with other women. They separate that in their brain, which usually allows a guy to cheat guilt-free.

8. Not tonight, dear. Let's face it. men want more sex than women. So when their partner is tired from wrangling kids all day and unwilling to try new things, even the most loyal hubbies can get bored and go looking.

9. Because they can. It's hard for men to resist temptation, especially when it's at their fingertips. Including the internet.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Keeping A Couple Together

Researchers have identified what it takes to keep a couple together, and it's a lot more than just being in love. A couple's age and previous relationships are factors that influence whether their marriage is going to last. The study tracked 2500 couples to identify factors associated with those who remained together compared with those who divorced or separated. It found that a husband who is nine or more years older than his wife is twice as likely to get divorced, as are husbands who get married before they turn 25. Children also influence the longevity of a marriage or relationship, with one-fifth of couples who have kids before marriage - either from a privous relationship or in the same relationship - having separated compared to just nine percent of couples without children born before marriage. Women who want children much more than their partners are also more likely to get a divorce. Not surprisingly, money also plays a role, with up to 16% of respondents who indicated they were poor or where the husband - not the wife - was unemployed saying they had separated, compared with only nine percent of couples with healthy finances.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mistakes Men Make With Women

Mistakes Men Make With Women (from the author of "The Truth About Love, and How To Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It):

Mistake Number One: Not Listening. It's the number one complaint women have about their partners. Women get a dopamine hit and build bonds through conversation. The average man doesn't get that same high. Men don't understand that women talk to connect.

Mistake Number Two: Not Offering Help. When a woman wants help, she may not ask for it. A man may not understand that houswork and intimacy are very related. Seeing her man do housework can make him look very sexy to his woman.

Mistake Number Three: Thinking Men and Women are Alike. When men give, it's often based on what they want, not what their partner wants. From gifts to the bedroom, men should not assume their woman is just like they are.

Mistake Number Four: Misunderstanding the 'Silent Treatment'. Guys think they're being punished when their girl gives them the cold shoulder. In reality, the silence means she's hurt and can't speak. Men also have it wrong when the silence lingers and he believes the wound has healed, but when she's not talking at all, the relationship has gone from bad to worse. Men make the mistake of thinking that silence is a good sign, but she may be making an exit plan. The best thing a man can do is reach out with compassion and make the woman feel safe enough to express her real emotions.

Mistake Number Five: Failing to Communicate. It's a common complaint women have about men: Why won't he just TELL me what he's thinking? But men often don't verbalize what's obvious to them. However, when a man doesn't offer information, it sends the wrong message to the woman. Men can be much more successful with their woman if they explain themselves.

Mistake Number Six: Thinking that 'Physically Present Is Enough'. A man believes that if his body is in the house, it's a form of intimacy. Never mind that he's on the couch or on the computer in another room. but for a woman to feel close, a man must reach out physically, emotionally, or mentally. One of her senses has to be stimulated. Talk, listen, or touch her in some way.

Mistake Number Seven: Feeling Hurt By A Woman's distractions. For women, multi-tasking is second nature. If you want her full attention, hold her hand when talking to her. If a man is touching his woman in some way, he'll be the loudest thing in her environment.

Mistake Number Eight: Not Getting How Women Operate. DNA makes men and women navigate the world differently. They have a completely differenty orientation toward life. Prehistoric men (hunters) had to focus to capture prey. Nowadays a man can still screen out everything irrelevant to his task. He may notice the overflowing trash can or the socks on the floor, but he won't do anything about them if his focus is elsewhere.

In the end, though, the experts say our differences are valuable. We are meant to shore up each other's weaknesses.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Interesting Sounding Places

The latest list of places with the most interesting-sounding names:

1. Wee Waa, Australia
2. Why, Arizona
3. Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta, Canada
4. Kissing, Germany
5. Try Again, South Africa6. Slime, Croatia
7. Roseberry Topping, England
8. Hell, Cayman Islands

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Come See Me

I came across a cute website for when you wish a friend or loved one could just jump on a plane and fly to where you live. is a travel invitation service where you just fill out a form with your info and your friend's info and they'll check prices for the best deals and email your friend the invitation and lowest price they find.

The site says it's not trying to be Orbitz or Expedia. They just want to have a simple, free service where you can invite friends that you miss to come visit you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How to make homework a positive experience!

- Know the teacher's homework policies and expectations. Some schools even have online or voicemail programs that let parents review new assignments daily.

- Make homework a priority in your home. Tell your child how important it is to complete each assignment and show your child your support by being physically near while he is working. You can do your own work, clean the kitchen, or pay the bills. Check in occasionally and be available for questions, but try not to give the answers or do the work yourself. Check over the completed homework.

- Organize the workspace and have a routine. Try to have the same homework routine each day. Create a special homework spot. It can be at the kitchen table or a spot in the living room. Few children work well independently in their bedrooms unless you accompany them, especially in the elementary and middle school years. Remember to turn off the tv and remove other distractions.

- Have supplies on hand. Paper, pencils, sharpeners, erasers. An electric pencil sharpener is a good investment. Having each child have their own special supplies is a motivator. - Be flexible when necessary. Although your routine should remain the same, you may have to adjust the homework time on certain days depending on other activities. Allow for a break every 20 minutes if necessary and make sure your child is fed. Hungry children work slower and have more difficulty staying focused.

- Help organize assignments. Have him complete the easier assignments first so he avoids frustration and builds on success.

- Balance guidance and learning through consequences. Children are different and some will embrace parental attempts at organization while others are much more likely to procrastinate or become distracted. Your job is to help them learn how to become responsible students. Sometimes that means letting them face the consequences of putting homework off until the last minute and them working with them to avoid future problems.

- Help find the answers. If you don't know everything, be honest. Then you and your child can find it together. There are lots of helpful web sites. One is BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper, compiled by a middle school student for middle school students. - Be firm with your expectatons, encourage your child, and recognize the effort. Be consistent and notice your children's accomplishments.

- Work with the teacher. If your child seems frustrated or constantly resists completing homework assignments, speak with your child's teacher. Don't wait for teacher conferences or report cards if you have concerns about your childn's academic performance. You are your child's best advocate. Take an active role in his education. By tackling issues as they arise, your child will learn to manage assignments successfully and develop good study skills. The teacher and the school will want to give you ideas an suggestions to help you along the way.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Name The New Lion Cubs @ Six Flags Wild Safari

Six Flags Wild Safari is celebrating the birth of a second set of African lion cubs! After 20 years without African lion births in the Wild Safari, the park now has four cubs. Twins Bakari and Sahra were welcomed this past January and now they are joined by two more siblings. You can help name the new lion cubs at and vote for traditional African names and meanings:

  • For the female cub choose from: Shujaa (“warrior”), Neema (“born in prosperity”), or Mandisa (“sweetness”)
  • For the male cub choose from: Taj (“exalted”), Addae (“morning sun”), or Kali (“strong”)

You can see the cubs playing at the Exploration Station. Once the twins can care for themselves, they’ll be re-introduced into the lion pride and will join their siblings in the African Section of the Wild Safari.

The Wild Safari is also celebrating the birth of an addax calf, which is a critically endangered species with less than 300 in the wild. The addax population could be extinct in the near future. The new male addax birth brings the Six Flags Wild Safari herd to 13.

And, last but not least, Six Flags also welcomes three baby scimitar-horned oryx calves into the world. They are now extinct in the wild. They have curved horns that grow to be several feet long. Their coats are mostly white with reddish brown necks and black markings on their forehead down their nose. Now there will be 14 in the herd at the Wild Safari.

You can see all these newborn additions and all the other exotic animals from around the globe (over 1,200 in all) daily through Sept. 7 and weekends through Nov. 1 from 9 am to 4 pm any theme park operating day except Fridays during Fright

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What Should We Feel Guilty About?

I just read a great article in e family news from Bright Horizons about parental guilt called "What Should We Feel Guilty About?"

It says we should NOT feel guilty when:

- We go to work
- We go to the gym or out for a walk or run
- We want some time for ourselves. Being a good parent doesn't mean not having a life. In fact all of the above may make us better parents and role models for our children
- Our children get a few bumps and bruises -- physical and emotional. If children don't get to fall down, how will they learn to pick themselves up?

We SHOULD feel guilty when we:
- Don't make time for our children. They don't need all of our time or time-on-demand, but children need ample amounts of our time throughout childhood. Sending a child to an enrichment experience is not equal to having that child spend time with us.
- Are not fully there when we do make time. If we don't turn off the cell phone or Blackberry the time is diminished. It's very sad to see a parent continue to talk on their cell phone after a brief smile to their child and the teacher when picking up their kid from school or daycare.
- Give in and don't stick by 'no'. We all say 'no, no, no, yes' and give in occasionally, but making it a habit doesn't do anyone any favors.
- Put the tv in the child's room and the dvd player in the car. If children don't develop the capacity to amuse themselves, to read, and to have conversations, it could be a huge developmental loss.

DO: See the world through your kids' eyes.Be positive with high expectations because low expectations lead to self-fulfilling prophecies.Be realistic in your parenting based on an understanding of your child.Be optimistic and give your children an optimistic view of life.Be the parent you want to be and the person you want to be and give yourself credit when you are doing your best. Guilt isn't bad if it's realistic and motivates you to try and be the best parent that you can be. All you can do is try. You won't be perfect and your children won't be perfect. Parents should relax and try their best.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Snack Day

So we had our snack day belated birthday celebration in the studio and on the air on Friday morning, and here’s what we had:

Cherry Fruit Pies
Strawberry Twinkies
Devil Dogs
Yankee Doodles
Coffee Cakes
Ring Dings
Funny Bones
Swiss Roles
and Zebra Cakes

What a fun morning! We didn’t all eat everything, but many of us ‘sampled’ quite a lot of the items! The most popular snack was the Yodels!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Boy Names

I am going to be an Aunt for the first time! And I am trying to help come up with a boy name….not that I’ve been asked to…..but that’s part of the fun!
I’ve narrowed it down to three choices:

Jacob Alexander
Dylan Jacob

Feel free to tell me what you think:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Packaging Tricks

No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. Companies who supply food to the grocery stores have long used the trick of increasing the size of packages but putting the same amount, or less, in the package, making it look like you’re getting more for your money. Last year, food packages shrank as food makers struggled to maintain their profits. But the weakened economy has caused a slump in demand for ingredients like corn and oil, pushing those prices back down. With lower cost ingredients, some brands like Frito-Lay are now shifting back to bigger packages, without raising prices.

Think of your food packages as an economic barometer. Times are tough, so costs are low and packages are bigger. When times are good, costs are high and packages, to compensate, get smaller. Tough times also mean consumers have less money to spend, so they want those bigger packages. Experts say this is a promotional trick that helps branded food companies steer shoppers back to their products and away from less expensive, store-brand alternatives.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Top Five Jobs with Recession-Resistant Salaries

In case you’re contemplating a new career, here is the latest list of the Top Five Jobs with Recession-Resistant Salaries:

Pharmacist ($110,000)
Research Scientist, Biotechnology ($85,500)
Project Engineer ($85,500)
Nurse Practitioner ($82,600)
Civil Engineer ($81,400)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New City Ratings

In case you’re planning a vacation, here are the new ratings for cities, from a new TripAdvisor survey:

Favorite City:
New York City
2. San Francisco
(Tie) Chicago and Boston

Most Underrated: Portland

Most Economical: Las Vegas

Cleanest: Portland

Sexiest: Miami

Healthiest: Seattle

Friendliest and Most Helpful: New York City

Best Free Attractions: Washington, D.C.

Nicest Sounding Accent: Atlanta

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Recession Discounts

If you're looking for a good deal, here are five kinds of stores offering big discounts as they struggle with a slowdown in consumer spending:

1. Car dealers. From 0% financing to thousands of dollars in rebates, now is a great time to buy a vehicle if you can afford it.

2. Home furnishings. Some furniture stores are offering steep discounts of up to 70% off.

3. Apparel. You can get some great deals...50% and more at many retail stores.

4. Electronics. There are discounts of up to 40% at some places, and $50 to $250 savings on some laptops. There are even some rebates of up to $400.

5. Full-service restaurants. Many are promoting lower prices and value meals at fixed low prices that include appetizers and entrees.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Life's Lessons

This was sent to me by a listener. It was written by a 90 year old woman. Here are some of them.

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you're sick. Your friends and family will. Keep in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
9. Save for retirement with every paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.12. It's okay to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful, or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter??
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.
31. However good or bad the situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What To Expect Before You're Expecting

First there was "What to Expect When You're Expecting", followed by a series of wonderful books including "What To Expect The First Year", "What To Expect The Toddler Years", and quite a few more including journals and babysitting guides. Now there's a new addition to help you plan a future pregnancy! It's called "What To Expect Before You're Expecting" from Heidi Murkoff.

It's a guide to the preconception period - the three or more months of planning and preparation that medical experts suggest are vital to healthy baby making. This is a step-by-step, all-in-one preconception plan...everything hopeful parents need before sperm meets egg, and before they even get busy making a baby. From planning and prepping to baby-making how-to's, to little conception know-how's to help fast-track fertility and get that baby on on board sooner!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Beach Manners

Here's some 'all in fun' advice from "The Book of Beach Etiquette" by Michele Campanella, summed up the show yesterday:

- Remove your flip flops and don't get sand on other people!
- Beware of others' personal space. There's plenty of room.....leave a little bit of distance! - Watch where you could be blocking someone's sun!
- Watch out for others when you're boogie boarding or body surfing.....injured ankles and bruised bodies are no fun!
- Don't put up beach umbrellas on a windy day!
- Don't leave holes in the sand for others to trip in!
- Don't play ball in the's not fun for others when it smacks them in the head!
- Don't feed the seagulls....others don't want bird poop on their heads!
- Don't splash in the surf....some people like to have only their feet wet and not the rest of their body!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Summer Ideas For The Kids

Here are a few summer ideas for children of all ages:

1. Have your kids keep a summer journal. Fill it with words, drawings, or even photos.

2. Get some plants and flowers and have your kids help grow them, from picking out the seeds/plants, soil and flower pots to planting, watering, and keeping track of their growth.

3. Have your school kids keep in touch with the teacher whose class they just graduated from. Maybe they can write a letter or send a postcard, or just email. Same goes for classmates that your kids may not get to see over the summer.

4. Collect seashells, rocks, or pick flowers.

5. Visit the library or book store on rainy days. Aim to have your child read a book a day or a chapter a day. Go back through all the children's books you've collected through the years and let them re-read some of their favorites. Or, start a series that you can read to them each night.

6. Make meals together and teach your kids how to grocery shop and follow a recipe to cook a meal.

7. Take walks and bike rides.

8. Try some arts and crafts (like Point Arts 'n Crafts Night every Wednesday night @ Jenkinsons) models, or projects that you don't have time for during the school year.

9. Visit water often - any and all water - ponds, creeks, lakes, the ocean, and pools. Let your kids experience the difference between salt water and waves and chlorine, let them explore with sticks in a stream and fishing in a river.

10. Bring your kids out early to watch a sunrise, and stay up late one night to stargaze....maybe even camp out in your own backyard.

11. Play board and card games and laugh together.

12. Find some small jobs that allow children the chance to make some of their own money.

13. Help children help someone else: the elderly, smaller children, or anyone who needs it.

14. Have a cookout or picnic.

15. Playdates, playdates, and more playdates!

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Dinner For Elizabeth

A dinner dance will be held to raise money for a seven year old local girl in need of help.

Elizabeth was born a healthy, happy baby. All was fine until her check-up at one year old. The doctors told her parents (Lali and John)the baby had elevated liver numbers and her kidneys seemed abnormal. Elizabeth was then tested and treated in many hospitals from state to state and country to country. But nobody could give them a diagnosis or a cause. Elizabeth became very ill and needed dialysis, which her mother did every night. Lali remains to this day Elizabeth's 24-hour nurse. Her life depends on daily medications (11 of them). Her final diagnosis is Tubulo-Interstitial Nephritis and Hepatic Fibrosis. Her liver function continues to deteroirate and she will need a combined liver and kidney transplant in the immediate future to save her life. She remians on the emergency waiting list for pediatric organ donation.

The dinner dance will be held Friday, July 10th at 7 pm at the East Dover Firehouse, 629 Fischer Blvd. in Toms River. Tickets are $40 each. All proceeds will go directly to Elizabeth and her family. Stafford/Toms River UNICO, an Italian-American service organization, is sponsoring the event

Monday, June 22, 2009

Smile Lines

Some lines to make you smile :

1. He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.

2. I keep hitting 'escape' but I'm still here.

3. A picture is worth a thousand words but it uses up three thousand times the memory.

4. The trouble with life is there's no background music or laugh track.

5. Ever notice how people who tell you to calm down are the ones who got you mad in the first place?

6. The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson.

7. Ham and eggs...a day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.

Friday, June 19, 2009


732-460-9555. That's the number to call if you want to feel better about yourself. Because that's Dr. Lombardi's number. Doctor Lombardi runs the Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center in Eatontown and you'd be surprised at how many great things, large and small, he can do for both women and men to make you feel better.

For instance, yesterday, in the midst of all the running around I do for everyone else (work, the kids, etc.) I literally stopped by his office and, within an hour, had some laser hair removal and botox done. I left there really feeling like I did something for ME for a change and can look forward to a summer of not having to shave, and a face that looks much more refreshed!!! So make some time for yourself, too, for a change! Call Dr. Lombardi and see what he can do for you!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cool Places To Go For Free Across The US

Here are some unheralded and free US attractions, from TripAdvisor, in case you're looking for a vacation idea!

1. Mallory Square, Key West, Florida: Local artists, street performers, and tourists gather here every evening for a celebration of dazzling Key West sunsets. Enjoy free music and performances along with the setting sun's spectacular display.

2. Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado: Beautiful and impressive; home to some of the most unique sandstone rock formations in the country, along with incredible views of Pike's Peak behind the stunning red giants of the park. And it's free. Be sure to look for the 'kissing camels' (two rocks that resemble camel heads kissing).

3. Cliff Walk, Newport, Rhode Island: A three-and-a-half mile scenic walk with a striking view of the Atlantic Ocean and of the famous Newport mansions that overlook it. A New England treasure that doesn't cost a dime.

4. Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles, California: Marvel at the night sky through the telescopes, or just enjoy the jaw-dropping view of LA and the Hollywood sign from Griffith's perch more than eleven hundred feet above sea level on Mount Hollywood. The observatory also houses fascinating exhibits and massive, awe-inspiring celestial murals.

Monday, June 15, 2009

World's Germiest Attractions

TripAdvisor has come out with a list of the world's germiest attractions:

5. The Handprints and Footprints outside Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Although they're the handprints and footprints of some of the biggest stars in history, millions of fans place their fingers in the molds to see how their hand size matches up. Use sanitizer!

4. St. Mark's Square, Venice, Italy. As beautiful as it is, there are thousands of hungry pigeons circling overhead. Enough said.

3. Oscar Wilde's Tomb, Paris, France. It's covered in lipstick prints, with new kisses planted every year.

2. The Wall of Gum, Seattle, Washington. Visitors have stuck their gum to the wall since the '90's. Some even mold shapes and faces out of their chewed gum. And the number one world's germiest attraction:

1. The Blarney Stone, Blarney, Ireland. Up to 400,000 mouths from all over the world kiss the stone each year as they lean over backwards and upside down. Imagine all those germs!!!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Teaching Kids About Money

A former investment strategist is offering families tips on teaching your kids about money:

1. Don't let money be invisible. Today money comes out of ATM's and is spent with debit and credit cards - invisible to kids as to where it comes from and where it goes. When a parent can't afford a toy or game, many kids will answer "Why can't you just buy it with your credit card?" Placing a whiteboard on the wall that shows the monthly expenses may provide a frame of reference for children who may not understand the value of a dollar or how much basic needs cost today.

2. Give kids responsibility for spending. If your kids receive an allowance, or you reward them with money for good grades, then you should require them to map out the money they have coming in and also where it goes. Seeing it on paper or in a computer chart will give them a sense of reality about their money and also build healthy financial habits for later in life.

3. Teach the power of investment. Parents should spell out the value of an investment. For example, $100 in a basic savings account can result in a balance of $12,000 after 20 years. But if they invest that same $100 in a bond or a stock that returns 6% a year, they could have $42,000 after 20 years.

4. For love or money? Ask your kids what they are passionate about and what they are good at. The answers to those questions will lead to a happier life and a better quality of life than one centered on the pursuit of the almighty dollar. If you stress lasting fulfillment over financial rewards, more than likely your children will wind up with both in their life and career.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Best Fast Food

Zagat is out with a survey of the best national fast food chains, and here's how they're ranked: Wendy's gets the top score, ranking number one overall, followed by Subway, McDonald's, KFC, and Burger King. McDonald's gets number one for best fries. Subway is number one for service. Click the full list.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Play Date Advice

Advice for Planning Play Dates, from family experts:

1. Choose a location that allows for active play, so that the kids don't have to sit and be quiet. A home or park is a good place to start, rather than a movie, show, or book store.

2. Limit the number of children. The more kids, the greater the noise and chance of squabbling.

3. Check assumptions with the other parents. Many moms and dads have different opinions about supervision, appropriate activities, and what's acceptable to snack on. Parents also differ on discipline and acceptable words and activities.

4. Schedule only an hour or two for the play date. This gives them adequate time to warm up to each other and play. After more than an hour even the children who are best at sharing can tire of it.

5. Put away special toys before the playmates arrive. These are the toys that you know your child will not want to share.

6. Have multiples of the 'cool' toys. Toys that have multiple units, like trains, blocks, instruments, tool sets, or stuffed animals can help alleviate arguments over who gets to have the toy.

7. Establish a sick policy. If runny noses aren't welcome, make that clear when you set up the play date.

8. Let children play at their own pace. Accept that some children may choose to play independently.

9. Supervise closely, but stand back. Try to let kids work out their differences themselves as long as they aren't hurting each other. Don't jump in at the first sign of trouble. If the conflict escalates, step in calmly and coach the kids on coming up with a compromise or move them to another activity.

10. Have a simple project ready in case you need to switch gears, like making hot chocolate or having story time.

11. Give an ample good-bye warning. The old five-minute warning helps with a smooth transition. Give a longer warning if you want everyone to help clean up

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Top TV Comedy Catch Phrases:

The Top TV Comedy Catch Phrases:

5. "We are two wild and crazy guys!" from Saturday Night Live

4. "Ayyy" from Happy Days

3. "How you doin'?" from Friends

2. "D'oh!" from The Simpsons

1. "Yada yada yada" from Seinfeld

And my personal favorite, from Saturday Night Live: "Jane, you ignorant s--t" Ha!

Friday, May 22, 2009

How To Stay Healthy Year Round

Some tips for women on how to stay healthy year-round:

- Get a massage. Most studies show that massage can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate. Lowering these is likely to cause your stress level to drop, which is one key to building immunity.

- Take a cold shower. Some say this helps with low energy, migraines, circulation, and pain reduction, in addition to helping women age gracefully. In fact, some say cold showers are even the secret to firm breasts!

- Treat stomach problems 'gingerly.' For centuries, ginger has been the go-to root for a wide range of stomach issues. Researchers believe its compounds stimulate digestive secretions, improve intestinal muscle tone, and help move food through the gastrointestinal tract.

- Wash your hands...a lot. The Centers for Disease Control and prevention says hand-washing is the number one action you can take to dodge getting sick and keep yourself free of bacterias that can cause foodborne illnesses like E. coli and salmonella. Wash with regular soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, vigorousoly scrub all parts of your hands, not just your palms, and check your fingernails for trapped dirt.

- Try a health cocktail. Although taking vitamin C and zinc for cold prevention isn't proven to work, some studies show that C is especially helpful for people who are under extreme stress, and that zinc can prevent viruses from multiplying. Some experts think there's no harm in trying...and that just believing these remedies work may help, too.

- Eat more garlic. Garlic is rich in antioxidants that boost immunity and fight inflammation. That means the herb, in addition to boosting defenses against everyday illness, probably helps to stave off cancer and boost heart health.

- Stay positive. In one study, participants who had heightened activity in a region of the brain associated with a positive attitude produced greater amounts of flu antibodies. Another study showed that people with sunny dispositions churned out more intibodies in response to vaccinations.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Less Worry In Two Areas

I went to Dr. Lombardi's (Doctors of Cosmetic Surgery in Eatontown) yesterday to finish up the laser hair removal on my bikini line. It's been working so well that I'm starting my armpits! Now there are two places on my body I'll never have to worry about again! Yay! I am so done with razors!!! In the fall I'll have my legs done and then I will be finished with shaving and waxing for good!!! Doctor Lombardi and everyone that works with him in his office is the best!!! You can call him at 732-460-9555. Next up: Botox time : )

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ten Practical Parenting Suggestions

Ten Practical Parenting suggestions from the experts:

1. Say yes more: to spending time and doing things together.
2. Say no more: to I want, I need, everyone has it, and everyone does it.
3. Worry less: about all the large and small highly sensationalized harm that exists out there. The overwhelming odds are with you.
4. Listen more; talk at less: ask what do you think? What are you feeling? Tell me about it. What would you do?
5. Negotiate less; explain more: our kids deserve to know the thinking behind our decisions and expectations, but should not be equal partners at the bargaining table. We are the parents.
6. Read a little more: to your child, with your child, and in front of your child - books, magazines, newspapers, etc.
7. Write a little more: notes of love, recognition, encouragement, responsibility, and daily appreciation of life.
8. Expect a little more: good behavior, responsibility, manners, kindness, and all of the goodness that lies within our children.
9. Expect a little less: constant scheduling and enrichment filled days. Slow down and don't move so fast. Children need a lot of slow to grow.
10. Connect more: to family, friends, the community, those less fortunate, and the natural world.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Top 10 Worst Foods

According to women's health experts, here are ten of the top worst foods you can eat:

1. Potato Chips. One ounce has 152 calories and 10 grams of fat, 3 saturated. If you eat just three ounces a week, in one year you'll have added seven pounds to your waistline.

2. Non-Dairy Toppings. These are mostly corn syrup and hydrogenated vegetable oil - stuff that you don't want floating in your arteries.

3. Donuts. White flour, vegetable shortening, white sugar and deep fried. An old-fashioned cake donut has 300 calories, 28 grams of carbs and 19 grams of fat, including 5 of saturated and 4 of trans fat.

4. Fettuccine Alfredo. Pasta drenched with butter, cream, and parmesan. A serving the size of your fist has 543 calories and 33 grams of fat, 19 saturated.

5. Sausage. A health hazard. A single pork link has 217 calories and 20 grams of fat.

6. Fried Chicken. A fried breast has 400 calories and 22 grams of fat.

7. Imitation Cheese in a Can. The amount you'd put on two crackers packs 276 calories and a whopping 21 grams of fat, 13 saturated.

8. French Fries. One 6 ounce order of fast-food fries contains 570 calories, half of which are from fat! If you include a large hamburger tack on 670 calories and 39 grams of fat.

9. Soft White Bread. You may as well have a candy bar. A slice of white bread is all white flour, a simple and rapidly digested carb that causes your blood sugar to rise and crash.

10. Fried Wontons. Often filled with meat or cream cheese, deep fried. Just four have 311 calories and 19 grams of fat. Too greasy to keep you fit.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Top 10 Pet Plant Poisoning Claims

In case you have pets, I came across this list that you might want to check out.

A veterinary Pet Insurance Company did this analysis of the over 400 claims it received last year for toxic plant ingestions to find which plants and plant products were most likely to poison pets. Top Ten Pet Plant (or plant product) Poisoning Claims of 2008:

1. Raisins/grapes
2. Mushrooms
3. Marijuana
4. Lily
5. Walnuts
6. Onion
7. Sago Palm
8. Macadamia nuts
9. Azalea
10. Hydrangea

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Knocking Down Myths

Just read a funny book called "Don't Swallow Your Gum!" by Dr. Aaron Carroll and Dr. Rachel Vreeman about some of the myths we've believed all these years. Here are some of the 'fun facts'. Did you know:

- If you shave your hair it will NOT grow back faster and thicker.

- Vitamin C, Echinacea, and Zinc will NOT help you prevent getting a cold.

- Walkers do NOT help your baby learn how to walk faster.

- Sugar does NOT make kids hyper.

- If you pick up food within five seconds of hitting the floor, it IS NOT safe.

- You do NOT have to wait an hour after you eat before swimming.

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Jersey Hall of Fame Second Annual Induction Ceremony

It was my honor to attend the New Jersey Hall of Fame Second Annual Induction Ceremony at NJPAC.

This year Jon Bon Jovi was inducted, along with Bud Abbott (from Asbury Park) and Lou Costello, Phil Rizzuto and more. You can check it out on to see not only this year's inductees but the first class as well, which included Bruce Springsteen.

It was great to spend some time with Jon Bon Jovi and so many other great people from our state. We'll be posting some pictures taken by Gary Gellman from Gellman Images (the official NJ Hall of Fame photographer) on our website soon. You can also visit to see some amazing pictures of the event.

You'll be hearing more on our show in the upcoming days about the Unsung Hero Award which went to 1st Lt. Brian Brennan who touched all of our hearts last night.

Friday, May 1, 2009

5 Risks Every Gutsy Girl Must Take

Sex And The City advice, from Candace Bushnell, author of the columns that became the book that became the tv show and the movie. She has some great advice for women, like these five risks every gutsy girl must take:

1. Fall really deeply in love. Even if it doesn't last, it's how you learn who you are.

2. Be yourself, especially in relationships. Women often twist themselves into what they think a man wants. Put yourself first and you're more likely to find the right guy.

3. Move out of your comfort zone. Make a plan for moving forward and stick to it.

4. Try everything you find interesting, even if it's odd. That goes for everything from tap dancing to playing the drums.

5. Dare to ask "What's my purpose?" You might not be able to answer the question, but you'll learn a lot when you try.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Top Ten Common Dreams

Lou and I recently talked about the Top Ten Common Dreams and what they might mean:

1. Lost or faulty items (you can't find your phone, your car breaks down) - This dream is alerting you to areas of your life that need repair or extra care right now. You may want to slow down and pay more attention.

2. Money (you receive a windfall, or you lose all in the stock market) - Money in dreams symbolizes what you value or find important in life. Try to explore what has been important to you in the past to see if your values have changed over time.

3. You find yourself back in the classroom, or you've failed a test - This dream indicates that there is a challenge in youir life and you fear failing.

4. You or a loved one is ill - You may be approaching a time of great change when some parts of your life are falling away and disappearing. It is rare that this dream forcasts an actual illness.

5. Being chased - This dream indicates that you may be feeling you have a lot of responsibilities that you are having a hard time keeping up with. It's known as the 'stress dream', meaning you should try to relax and slow down.

6. Teeth (you're smiling with nice teeth or your teeth are breaking) - Teeth represent stability. This dream will give important clues as to what your relationships are doing.

7. Nudity - Dreams of this nature mean you fear your true feelings being exposed and making you vulnerable.

8. Falling, flying, or sinking - Changing direction indicates becoming more aware of your unconscious mind and deepest innermost thoughts.

9. Water - Water in dreams is a sign of a certain emotional situation of importance in your life.

10. Missing a boat, plane, bus, train, etc. - Transportation vehicles in dreams symbolize the ability to move and act in the world, symbolizing our desire to accomplish our dreams and goals. When we 'miss the train' it can mean that we are having a hard time finding the motivation to act and move in the world.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Reality Overload

Lou asked me to make a list of all the reality (unscripted) tv shows that I watch on a regular basis. So here they are:

The Celebrity Apprentice
The Biggest Loser
The Amazing Race
The Bachelor/The Bachelorette
Dancing With The Stars
American Idol
The Real Housewives of NYC/The Real Housewives of NJ
Project Runway (now moving to Lifetime for the new season starting in August!)
Top Chef
House Hunters
InternationalColor Splash
Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations
CribsGone Country

I've also seen, but don't have time to watch regularly:

Dog The Bounty Hunter
Rock of Love
Celebrity Rehab

And I'd like to see, based on recommendations from friends:

Jon and Kate Plus Eight
Table For Twelve

If there's something I have left off this list that you think I should be watching, please let me know

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Meeting Mr. Trump

I didn't have a chance to write about it sooner, but it was awesome to meet Donald Trump recently at Trump National Golf Club on Rt. 34 in Colts Neck. As a huge fan of Celebrity Apprentice, it was great to see Mr. Trump in person and shake his hand. He's very tall and handsome in 'real life' and much, much funnier in person than he is on the show!

He had some very cool stories to tell about this season and past season shows. It's pretty cool to know that he'll be golfing right here in Monmouth County from time to time! I enjoyed having his attention for a few minutes to discuss the tv show and how beautiful his new golf club is. And Lou's wife Diane got a picture with him (above).

Friday, April 17, 2009


If you haven't heard of Fraxel, it's a great way to improve the look of your skin. Dr. Lombardi at the Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center in Eatontown introduced it to me and the skin on my face looks and feels totally rejuvenated.

My skin tone is so much better and much more even, and looks fresher. For me, the treatment didn't require any down time. It just looked like I had been out in the sun. The treatment itself took less than an hour, did not cause me any pain, and I walked out feeling fine.

And as the weeks went by, I was able to look in the mirror and see a real difference. For someone who's had too much sun on my face and lots of acne scars, it really helped. Dr. Lombardi and his staff are the best! Check them out online at or call Dr. Lombardi at 732-460-9555.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


love to laugh and smile, but my smile lines were starting to get really deep that it was hard to wear makeup because it looked like my face was cracking from the makeup getting in those deep grooves.

I got Juvederm with Dr. Lombardi and my smile lines practically disappeared immediately! I can still smile exactly the same way I always have, but without the deep lines. And Juvederm lasts a long time.

With Dr. Lombardi there was no pain during the procedure (which took minutes) and no pain or bruising afterwards, either. Dr. Lombardi is a board certified plastic surgeon and he and his staff take excellent care of all their clients. They can help you look and feel your best!

For a free consultation at their beautiful Eatontown offices, call the Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center at 732-460-9555 or visit them on the web at

Monday, April 13, 2009

Time For Botox

It's time for me to go to Dr. Lombardi at the Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center in Eatontown for some Botox!

Whether you're already doing it or are considering trying it, Dr. Lombardi is an expert. He's a board certified physician, which is important when undergoing cosmetic procedures. I don't feel any pain when getting Botox with Dr. Lombardi. It's quick, simple, and the results I get are very natural looking and make me feel so much better when I look in the mirror!

For a great experience or for a free consultation, call Dr. Lombardi at 732-460-9555 or check him out online at

Friday, April 10, 2009

Microdermabrasion...what a refreshing treat!

You've probably heard by now that one way to keep your skin super clean and in good shape is to have microdermabrasion. I'm sure many of you enjoy facials already as one of your favorite spa treatments.

I have been having microdermabrasion every few weeks at the Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center in Eatontown. I literally walk out glowing with moisture and feeling younger! Doctor Lombardi and his staff are top notch, which you'll notice the minute you walk through the doors of their beautiful, luxurious office. They also have a spa location at Pier Village in Long Branch.

Microdermabrasion is so relaxing - performed the same way as a facial in a calming atmosphere with background music. What a treat! For more information on how microdermabrasion can help you, log onto or call Dr. Lombardi at 732-460-9555.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Laser Hair Removal

Let's talk about Dr. Lombardi at the Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center in Eatontown.

In case you are interested in laser hair removal so that you don't have to deal with shaving for the summer, here's how it's been working for me. I am going on treatment number 5 and I couldn't be happier. I'm getting my bikini area done and it feels great to say goodbye to ingrown hairs, razor burn, and waxing!

The procedure uses a new type of laser that cools and heats at the same time so that you won't feel uncomfortable. It only takes about 15 minutes a session and I began seeing results after the very first session. I'm now almost finished and looking forward to getting my legs done next!If you want to find out more, go to

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Nightmare Of Bathing Suit Shopping

Ways to make bathing suit shopping a little bit less of a nightmare:

- Shop with your body shape in mind.
- Bring a close friend with you if you need a second opinion.
- Get a spray tan before shopping -- nothing is worse than trying on suits when you're feeling pasty white.
- Make sure the suit fits properly. If your top is too big, it won't do your breasts justice, and if your bottoms are too small, it'll cut into your side...not a good look.
- Look in a three-way mirror so you can check out your backside
- Choose a color or print that flatters your skin tone, hair, and eye color.
- Shop online (if the suits are returnable) so you can try them on in the comfort of your own home.


- Go bathing suit shopping on a full stomach.
- Berate yourself or fixate on what's 'wrong' with your body
- pay attention to the entire package.
- Don't forget that flourescent lights never do you justice.
- Dont pay attention to the size of the suit. Most bathing suits run particularly small.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Jersey Shore's Sexiest Bald Celebrities

We spent a full show this week with our listeners calling in their picks for sexiest bald celebrities, and our top five are:

5. Jason Taylor
4. Dwayne Johnson
3. Vin Diesel
2. Chris Daughtry
1. Taye Diggs

Here are some of the others that were called or emailed to us:

Michael Jordan
Phil Collins
Ed Harris
Bruce Willis
Damon Wayons
Michael Chickless
Telly Savalas
Shawn Connery
Jason Statham

And....with many votes.....Yul Brenner

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Your Personality Through Cookies

According to an expert in behavioral food analysis, the type of cookie you like says a lot about you: If you love:

Chocolate chip cookies - Youre an optimistic extrovert.

Chunky or nutty cookies - You're an adventurous trailblazer.

Oatmeal cookies - You're an intelligent go-getter.

Butter cookies OR peanut butter cookies - You're a friendly nurturer.

Sandwich cookies - You're a kid at heart.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Relationships To Avoid

After much controversy on our show, here is the 'official' list from the 'experts' on the types of relationships to avoid:

1. Rebound relationships: If one of the partners has very recently ended a relationship then he or she is still dealing with the fallout and pain from the break up and can't give the current relationship the care and feeding it needs to succeed.

2. Jailbreak relationships: Where one of the partners either moves in with or marries a partner right after he or she leaves his or her parent's home for the first time. There needs to be an adjustment to the 'adult' way of living before a relationship can prosper.

3. Pedestal relationships: If you put your partner on a pedestal, you probably question your own self-worth. the balance of power is messed up and the relationship will be out of whack.

4. Broken Wing Relationships: If one of the partners is emotionally fragile or wounded it becomes the other partner's responsibility to come to the rescue. This makes for an unbalanced relationship that is doomed to fail.

5. Shallow relationships: There are many superficial reasons why we become infatuated with another person: money, beauty, fame, talent, shock value....These qualities can never substitute for important stuff like inner beauty, core values, and a healthy sense of self.

6. Affairs: Cheaters are liable to hurt the feelings of their current partner and/or their affair partner. And you may always have trouble trusting them.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Keeping The Kids Demands Down

Here are some ways to keep your kids from demanding more and more:

1. Educate your kids about tv commercials and how somebody might be trying to convince them to buy something they don't need and may not even want.

2. Encourage values in your kids both by spending more time with them (not more money on them) and by focusing on helping others who have less.

3. Challenge your children's definition of 'cool' by asking them questions about whether they ever felt bad about themselves for not owning something, or if they've ever felt friends might like them more if they had something new.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good Deeds Have Their Rewards

One of our loyal listeners is beaming with pride about her daughter, so I thought I'd pass along our congratulations as well.Monica Murphy, an 8th grader from Spring Lake Heights, was invited to an event called "Kidfetti" to speak to 10,000 people about her community service projects. As an added bonus, she got to meet American Idol's Jordan Sparks, who was performing at the event as well! Esther Murphy, Monica's mom, is a proud parent and encourages her daughter to give to the community. Monica takes part in a canned food drive at Spring Lake Heights Elementary School, helps collect donations for the Boys and Girls Club, Trinity Church, and many senior centers in the area, and has spearheaded many, many more events that give back to our community. Her mom has every right to be so proud of her! Monica is an inspiration and a great role model!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Proper Egg Boiling

The American Egg Board says many of us haven't been properly hard-boiling our eggs. So, in time for Easter, here is what they say is the proper recipe:

1. Place the eggs in a saucepan large enough to hold them in a single layer. Add COLD water to cover the eggs by one inch. Heat over high heat JUST TO BOILING.
2. REMOVE FROM BURNER. Cover pan. Let the eggs stand in the hot water for about 18 minutes for extra large eggs, 15 minutes for large eggs, or 12 minutes for medium eggs.
3. Cool completely under cold running water or in a bowl of ice water.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ways to help with weight loss:

Whenever you have a drink, make it water.
Drink water only.
No diet soda, no juices, no coffee, etc.
Cut your portions.
Don't skip breakfast.
Keep a food journal so you can look back and see exactly what you've put in your mouth and to see your patterns of grabbing food on the run or in stressful moments.
If you can avoid it, don't eat after 7pm.
Don't eat fast food.
Limit sugar and wheat-based products.
No diet or fat-free food.
Those foods contain a lot of ingredients that you can't even pronounce.
Eat slowly and chew your food well.
Eat when you're hungry.
Not because you're sad, mad, tired, or stressed.
Limit your red meat.
Don't eat foods that have a 10 year shelf life.
Go for the real, fresh stuff.
Don't snack yourself to weight gain.
Eat meals that are satisfying, not snack foods that will give you a sugar high followed by a crash.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Finding Inner Peace

In these stressful days, here are some ideas for meditating:

1. Choose a room that feels good and that has a chair or a comfortable place to sit that's peaceful, safe, and inviting. If possible, use the same location and sitting position every time. You want to create a sense of strong association so that this scene becomes a trigger in your mind's eye. With enough practice, you'll be able to immediately quiet and center yourself just by thinking of this space.

2. Play quiet, gentle music. Anything that helps you relax and get centered. Or medidate outside and listen to the sounds of nature.

3. Get into a meditative posture: Sit comfortably with your spine straight, feet flat on the floor, palms up. This will help you visualize.

4. Count to ten as you begin to quiet and center yourself. Inhale and exhale deeply as you count.

5. Give your breath color and shape. For example, green = healing, blue = peace, etc.

6. Follow your breath on its travels. Picture your breath journeying through your body, through every organ, limb, vertebrae, muscle, and tissue. Picture it flowing through your bloodstream. See yourself feeling good.

7. Find your mantra. Something like "I'm feeling more peaceful." Or, " I am grateful for my health and loved ones." Say it over and over in your mind.

8. Begin with gratitude. Be certain to give thanks for your blessings, which include your family and friends. Gratitude is a higher state of consciousness, so be very generous in reminding yourself of your life's blessings.

9. Love is the key. Imagine your whole body being filled up with love. Not romantic love, but pure, unconditional love - the kind you would feel for a baby or a puppy. If you would like to forgive someone, consciusly fill your heart with feelings of love and warmth for that person. Then visualize yourself putting that energy of love to good use in your life.

10. State your intention. After about ten or fifteen minutes of breathing, you will feel an inner shift of consciousness. Then, state your intention, perhaps "I want to love myself unconditionally", or, "I want to be joyful and at peace today."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Life Of Your Appliance

With things the way they are right now, so many of us are hoping that we get a few more years out of the stuff we have. The National Association of Home Builders has compiled life-cycle data from product manufacturers and lab tests to estimate what you can expect from these items:

Gas ranges - 15 years
Dryers and refrigerators - 13 years
Compactors - 6 years
Dishwashers - 9 years
Microwaves - 9 years
Marble countertops - 20 years
All natural wood flooring - 100 years
Marble, slate, and granite flooring - 100 years if maintained
Vinyl floors - up to 50 years
Linoleum - 25 years
Carpet - 8 - 10 years (with maintenance and normal traffic)
Furnace - 15 - 20 years
Heat pumps - 16 years
Air conditioning units - 10 - 15 years
Electric or gas water heater - 10 years
Interior and exterior paints - 15 years
Slate, copper, and clay/concrete roofs - over 50 years
Roofs made of asphalt shingles - 20 years
Roofs made of fiber cement shingles - 25 years
Roofs made of wood shakes - 30 years
Exteror wood shutters - 20 years, depending on weather conditions
Gutters made of copper - 50 years
Gutters made of aluminum - 20 years
Aluminum windows - 15 - 20 years
Wooden windows - 30 years or more

Friday, March 6, 2009

Disciplining The Kids

Here are some positive discipline ideas from the experts when you have trouble getting your child to listen:

1. Avoid at all costs saying "No, No, No, No, No. Yes." This just teaches children to hold out to get their way. So does putting up with crying until we can't stand it and then giving in.

2. Stop what you are doing and go to your child. Put down the phone, stop the car, ask the hundred shoppers behind you to wait, or come out of the shower dripping wet in a towel and covered in soap. When you stop what you are doing and go to your child, you are acknowledging the inapporpriate behavior when it happens and correcting your child immediately follwing their actions.

3. Speak to your child at eye-level. Get down on your knees, lean over, or sit on the floor together.

4. Validate your child's feelings. When your child has misbehaved, let him know that you understand or you are trying to understand how he feels. Validate his emotions or intentions. "I know you wanted that toy, but your brother was playing with it." Speak in a normal tone of voice.

5. When you are upset with your child, try not to yell or raise your voice. Use a positive, firm, natural tone of voice. Explain to your child in simple terms what he did wrong. He may not know.

6. Redirect your child. Guide your child to a new activity. "You can build with blocks. But you can't play with blocks if you throw them. You can throw a ball instead."

7. When your young child is having a tantrum, remember that he is still learning to control his emotions and actions. I'm sure there have been several occasions when you wanted to lay down at the checkout aisle of the supermarket and kick and scream.

8. Don't beat yourself up when you voilate all of these guidelines. Perfect parenting is rare. Do the best you can and don't give up.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fun Horoscopes

Although I don't follow daily horoscopes, I found some of these descriptions to be eerily accurate! Just thought I'd share them for fun:

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19): The Go-Getter. Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimistic. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendly at times. Holds grudges. Likes competition. Gets what they want.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18): The Sweetheart. Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique. Eccentric personality.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20): The Dreamer. Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Doesn't like details. Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good kisser.

Aries (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19). The Daredevil. Energetic. Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic. Fun. Loves a challenge. EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish. Short fuse; easily angered. Lively, passionate, and sharp wit. Outgoing. Loses interest quickly; easily bored. Egotistical. courageous and assertive. Tends to be physical and athletic.

Taurus (Apr. 20 - May 20): The Enduring one. Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but they are not. Hard workers. Warm -hearted. Strong; has endurance. Solid beings that are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Patient and reliable. Makes great friends and gives good advice. Loving and kind. Falls in love hard and passionately. Expresses themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper tantrums. Determined. Indulges themselves often. Very generous.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): The Chatterbox. Smart and witty. Outgoing, very chatty. Lively, energetic. Adaptable. But needs to express themselves. Argumentative and outspoken. Likes change. Versatile. Busy, sometimes nervous and tense. Gossips. May seem superficial or inconsistent.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): The Protector. Moody, emotional. May be shy. Very loving and caring. Excellent partners for life. Protective. Inventive and imaginative. Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person. Needs love from others. Easily hurt, but sympathetic.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22): The Boss. Very organized. Needs order in their life. Likes being in control. Likes boundaries. Tends to take over everything. Bossy. Likes to help others. Social and outgoing. Extroverted. Generous, warm-hearted. Sensitive. Creative energy. Full of themselves. Loving. Doing the right thing is important to Leos.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): The Perfectionist. Dominant in relationships. Conservative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Harsh. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22): The Harmonizer. Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. Have their own unique appeal. Creative, energetic, and very social. Hate to be alone. Peaceful, generous. Very loving. Flirtatious. Gives in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): The Intense One. Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive. Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holds grudges. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talktative. Romantic. Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and emotional.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): The Happy-Go-Lucky One. Good-natured optimist. Doesn't want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome). Indulges self. Boastful. Likes luxuries aned gambling. Social and outgoing. Doesn't like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient. Fun to be around. Has lots of friends. Flirtatious. doesn't like rules. Sometimes hypocritical. Dislikes being confined - tight spaces or even tight clothes. Doesn't like being doubted.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Picking A Summer Camp

Now's the time for sign-ups, so here are some tips for choosing summer day camps from a great article I read in e -family news:

Application process:

Does the camp have flexible schedules?
What are the hours of operation?
What are the camp's opening and closing dates?
What is the deadline for submitting applications?

Tuition and Fees:

What is the tuition and is there also a registration fee?
What is included in the tuition: transportation, meals, insurance, special trips, entrance fees, health services, use of equipment?
Ask the camp director to itemize any services for which an additional fee is required.
Is there also a membership fee?
Must the parent join the sponsoring organization in order for the child to participate?
How and when is tuition paid? By week, month, session?
Are scholarships available?


Are there methods for keeping track of each child and making sure every camper receives attention?
How will my child be grouped?
What activities does the camp offer in my child's age group?
What is the daily routine?
Are there enough activities to keep children involved, but also opportunities for quiet, down times?
Do children get to choose activities?
What takes place outdoors?
What takes place indoors?
Are there field trips, enrichment activities, or sports included?

Parent Involvement:

Are parents welcome at the camp anytime?
Are there opportunitits for parents to participate?
How does the camp receive parents' opinions, ideas, suggestions, and concerns?
Are there some parents I can call for references?


How are camp counselors and other staff members hired?
What are their qualifications and experiences?
What background checks to they undergo?
What are the counselors' duties?
Are counselors hired for short periods or for the entire summer?
What is the ratio between staff and campers?
Is the staff knowledgeable, professional, enthusiastic, and caring?


How can I receive information about what my child is doing?
What are the specific rules the kids must follow, and what are the consequences for not following those rules?
How am I informed if a child breaks the rules?


Is the facility and outdoor environment safe and clean?
Is the environment inviting, exciting, and fun, but also warm and nurturing?
Are there adequate supplies and equipment?


Are lunches provided by the camp? Ask for a sample menu in advance.
Are snacks provided during the day? What kind?
Are special meals available?


Ask for references.

For more information and advice on choosing camps, visit:The American Camping AssociationThe National Camp Association

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Second Annual New Jersey Beach Survey

Voting begins today for the Second Annual New Jersey Top ten Beaches Survey!

Go to to vote for your favorite. Voting begins today at noon and runs through midnight on May 1st. The survey results will be announced May 21st. My personal favorites? Sea Girt, followed by the strip of beach/boardwalk that runs through Spring Lake, Belmar, Avon, and Bradley Beach. Summer.....hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Little Things...And The Big Things

Things big and little that continue to annoy girls about guys, according to the latest 'Liz' survey, as featured on our morning show last week:

Here's are the results:

The little things:

- They leave dirty dishes in the sink (sometimes even dirty paper plates!)
- They leave dirty dishes on the table or in the living room or anywhere else in the house without even BRINGING THEM to the sink.
- They are freer with spitting, passing gas, and burping than girls are, sometimes even getting a kick out of themselves for doing so.....but they DON'T think it's 'ladylike' for girls to do the same (not that we would!)
- They throw dirty clothes in the direction of the hamper instead of IN it, or, even worse, just leave the dirty clothes wherever they were taken off, even if that's in the middle of the living room rug.
- They don't change the toilet paper roll when they use the last of it.
-They genuinely don't seem to mind the messiness they create or feel the urge to clean it up.

The bigger things:
- They make jokes when you're trying to make a point.
- They always think they are right even when they clearly aren't.
- They don't jump up to help with their crying babies or to change poopy diapers.
- They forget to say sweet things to you or get you little gifts anymore, taking you for granted more and more as the years go by...unless, of course, they want something.
- They don't call when they say they will and then don't understand why that upsets you.
- They sometimes tell what they consider little white lies so as to avoid hurting your feelings or incriminating themselves.
- They say they're listening when they're really just nodding and not paying attention.
- They have a way of defending themselves that somehow twists things around to make YOU feel like YOU'RE the one that's wrong.
- They still leave the bulk of the house chores to the woman regardless of whether or not she also has a job outside the home.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dave Carey Returns To The Point

A boy who came on the air on The Point when he was 13 years old, and who suffered with Leukemia as a child, has now gone on to good health, college, and following his dreams of being a rock star!

We so enjoyed having Dave Carey (and his bandmate Matt) on the air with us this morning and playing their song. The name of his band is Just Enough and they took first place in the first round of Battle of the Bands in Asbury at The Saint recently. We wish Dave and his bandmates the best of luck! You can check them out on their new website

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pros & Cons Of Popular Diets

Some health and fitness experts comment about the following diets:

Jenny Craig (ready-made meals and snacks without thinking)
Pros - A balanced, calorie-controlled diet with weekly consultations in-person or by phone.
Cons - The meals can get expensive and repetitive. You might learn a bit about portion control, but not how to count calories on your own.

The Zone (one gram of fat, two of protein, three of carbs)
Pros - These are generally healthy, balanced meals promoting fat loss and reducing cholesterol
Cons - Grain-based carbs are lumped in with fruits and veggies, and delivered meals can get expensive.

Weight Watchers (based on a points system)
Pros - Information-driven discussions, weigh-ins, food tracking journals, online options, and meetings for support. people can stay on it for years and keep lean.
Cons - You have to pay for meetings, tools cost extra, and even though all foods have points they don't necessarily have nutritional value.

Mediterranean Diet (olive oil, veggies, even red wine)
Pros - Linked to several health benefits like a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, home cooking makes it relatively inexpensive, and flavorful foods will keep you from feeling deprived.
Cons - you can overdo calories and fats if you're not careful.

South Beach Diet (a strict, three-phase program)
Pros - A diet that most can follow if they stick to the rules.
Cons - The diet is too restrictive and unhealthy in the first two phases and lacks essential nutrients. Don't start this diet if you're not going to finish.

Atkins (Increase proteins, limit carbs)
Pros - A quick shed of pounds can be encouraging, but it's water weight first.
Cons - Long-term health effects of excess protein include high cholesterol, kidney abnormalities and possibly even cancer risks

Friday, February 13, 2009

Smart Snack Choices if You're Dieting:

1. Chewy granola bars. Look for ones made with real nuts or whole grains, under 140 calories, with at least 4 grams of fiber and 5g of protein.

2. Greek yogurt. It's strained, which makes it fluffy and more filling with less fat and calories - and calcium can help you lose weight. Sweeten with fruit, if you want.

3. Oatmeal. It's more filling than dry cereal with the same calories and fiber.

4. Soy chips. A high-fiber, low-fat snack that's a significant source of soy protein, which helps facilitate weight loss.

5. Frozen juice bars. Sweet and tangy and generally low on calories.

6. Licorice. May help reduce body fat and appetite.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Freehold Raceway Mall Monthly Kids Breakfast

I just wanted to remind everyone with young children how much fun we have at the Kid's Breakfasts at Freehold Raceway Mall on the first Saturday of every month. From toddlers to ten year olds, boys and girls alike play games, do crafts, enjoy entertainment, and win prizes. It's like a giant playdate! Parents and grandparents get to relax and chat, too, while watching the kids have fun. And there are free carousel rides, too!

This past Saturday we enjoyed watching the kids learn to walk the runway and pose for pictures. And it was great having Sharon Gano of eStreet Designs grabbing some great 'papparazzi' shots of the children which we'll be giving out to the kids at the next breakfast. Thanks, Sharon! Also next month we'll be celebrating St. Paddy's Day at the Kids' breakfast with lots of fun and games. Hope you'll join us!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Quick Fixes For Cooking Mistakes

Mushy pasta: If you overcook pasta, give the noodles a saute in olive oil or butter, then sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese.

Eggs: If you want to make sure they're fresh, place them gently into a bowl of water. Rotten eggs will float; fresh ones will stay underwater.

Stale bread: Restore life by slipping bread into a 325-degree oven in a slightly damp paper bag. When the bag is dry, your bread will have regained its softness. Or, you can use stale bread to make breadcrumbs, croutons, crostini, or (my favorite) bread pudding.

Overbaked cookies: Put them in a plastic bag or container, along with a few apple slices. They should soften in 24 hours. Or pop them in the microwave for 5 seconds.

Torn pie crust: Roll a patch of dough to the same thickness and flatten the edges. Brush some lightly beaten egg white on the contact points and lightly press it onto the main shell.

Bitter coffee: Add a pinch of salt to balance it.

Stale cereal: Past-prime cereal can be zapped back to life with 30 - 45 seconds on a plate in a microwave. Or, grind unsweetened cereal in a blender or with a rolling pin, to use as breadcrumbs, or swapped in for 1/2 cup of flour in muffin or cookie recipes.

Overripe fruit: As long as the fruit's not rotten, it can be salvaged. Slice it, sprinkle it with sugar, and set aside. Later, add a dash of vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, or red wine and serve with whipped or ice cream, or blended with milk or yogurt for a smoothie.

Dry meat: Pour drippings into a pan, add 2 - 4 cups of stock, and bring to a boil. slice the meat, place it in a roasting pan or dish, and add the stock mixture. Cover with foil and place in a warm over for 5 minutes. The meat should regain some of its moisture.

Too salty: You could drop a peeled potato slice into the mix. Or, a more reliable bet, add some liquid, some sugar, or vinegar to balance it out.

Too spicy: Tame with a touch of sweetness. Tomatoes or a bit of ketchup adds sugar, which will take some of the spice away. Or, if it won't interfere with the flavor, add a dollop of plain yogurt.

Too sweet: A spoonful of cider vinegar or a squeeze of lemon juice can knock down sweetness a few notches. You can also cut sweet with a dash of butter, olive oil, or cream.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Connecting With Nature

There's a book called "Last Child In the Woods" by Richard Louv that talks about the importance of helping your kids connect with nature. Here are just some of the actions we can take:

1. Maintain a birdbath, build a bat house, or care for plants in your yard.

2. Find an old board and place it on bare dirt. After a day or two, lift the board to see how many creatures have found shelter there.

3. Keep a "wonder bowl." All the natural wonders picked up on walks, like acorns, rocks, and feathers can be stored there to enjoy.

4. Give your children a 'green hour' each day - a time for unstructured outdoor play.

5. Adopt the "sunny day rule." If it's a beautiful day, there's no excuse for being indoors. Get the kids outside.

6. Be a cloud spotter. Look up at the sky with your kids and take turns saying what the clouds look like.

7. Take a hike or be a stroller explorer. Or put together a stroller group that meets for weekly nature walks.

8. Adopt a tree. Pick an existing tree or plant a special one to help mark an important family occasion. Take pictures of the tree after a big windstorm, in the fall, or after the first snow. Record what animals and birds use the tree. Watch for its seeds and plant them.

9. Raise butterflies - from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to emerging butterfly. You can find the kits in many children's catalogs or some hobby shops.

10. Get your kids to count and draw the birds they see. Keep binoculars and a bird guide handy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

De-Cluttering Your Home

Simple and Easy ways to De-Clutter your Home:

1. Start with the easy junk. Go room by room and throw out trash, coupons, menus, flyers, outdated calendars, old newspapers, magazines, catalogs, and toys that have fallen apart.

2. Set small goals. Try to bang out a mini de-cluttering session every day. You can accomplish more than you think in just 15 minutes. For instance, delve into the junk drawer while you're talking on the phone.

3. Give everything a home. A big reason why clutter accumulates is because things don't have homes. A good home for a frequently used item is one that makes it easy to get to and to put the item back into.

4. Let go. If you had only ten minutes to evacuate your home, what would you grab? Make a decision to surround yourself with only beloved and useful things and give the rest away or throw them out.

5. Identify clutter hot spots. You can't hide all your clutter, but you can contain it. Look at where it builds up, and find something to put it in. For instance, try a large bowl on the kitchen counter for keys, or a big basket by the door for shoes.

6. De-clutter daily. It's easier to keep up than to catch up, so establish a daily routine. Grab a laundry basket and make the rounds, tossing in anything to be put away. Dont let messes build up and overpower you.

7. Be a good gatekeeper. Think twice before you bring home something new. Ask yourself if you really need it and where you will put it. Becoming a more conscious shopper goes a long way toward cutting clutter.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Instant Turn-On's For Women

As compiled by our morning show listeners:

1. Guys with accents
2. Dimples
3. The backwards baseball cap
4. Seeing a guy hug a dog or child
5. A guy with a quick sense of humor that makes you laugh
6. A guy who usually dresses in a suit showing up in nice fitting jeans.....or vise-versa
7. Stubble
8. Square jawline
9. Sixpack abs
10. A great smile
11. Nice eyes
12. Bad boys and rebels...but only for a little while.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Lou & Liz Most Romantic Movies

Just in time for Valentine's Day, we have taken your suggestions on the most romantic movies, most romantic movie kisses, and best romantic movie endings and compiled them into a list of films that contain at least one, if not all, of these ingredients: In no particular order:

Dirty Dancing
The Notebook
An Officer and A Gentleman
Pretty Woman
Jerry McGuire
Notting Hill
Love, Actually
Hope Floats
While You Were Sleeping
The Lakehouse
P.S. I Love You
You've Got Mail
Sleepless In Seattle
Return To Me
When Harry Met Sally
Bridget Jones' Diary
The Truth About Cats and Dogs
Sex and The City
When A Man Loves A Woman
A Life Less Ordinary
9 1/2 Weeks
Pride & Prejudice
An Affair To Remember
Dream For An Insomniac
50 First Dates
Down With Love
August Rush
Never Been Kissed
From Here to Eternity
Lady and the Tramp

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chocolate For Breakfast

I came across a great book that's out just in time for Valentine's Day. The author is Barbara Passino, a Jersey Gal born and bred. She's now the Chef/Owner of Oak Knoll Inn in Napa Valley. The book is called "Chocolate for Breakfast" and is based on Barbara's life-long love affair with chocolate.

After years of working with investments, Barbara decided to take cooking classes in Venice and then bought what is now a romantic B&B which features her signature chocolate breakfasts.

Chocolate for breakfast? I'm all for it!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 is a physician ratings web site. It's a free service providing you with an anonymous way to give constructive feedback to your doctors. tracks more than 64,000 ratings for thousands of doctors across the country. Physicians receive an overall rating and an average score for each key satisfaction area. The site also provides basic information on each physician it its database, including specialty, address, and phone number of his/her practice, medical school attended and residency. You can search for doctors by name, city, or specialty.

Friday, January 16, 2009

For all of you animal lovers, here are some of the types of dogs that have been in the White House in the past. Maybe your favorite is on the list!

English Springer Spaniel
Scottish Terrier
Chocolate Labrador
Springer Spaniel
Bouvier des Flandres
Cavalier King Charles
Afghan Hound
Golden Retriever
Irish Setter
White Collie
Welsh Terrier
Irish Cocker
German Shepherd
Cocker Spaniel
Llewellyn Setter
Old English Sheepdog
Great Dane
....quite a few mutts!