Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Six Reasons Why Women Cheat,

Six Reasons Why Women Cheat, according to relationship experts:

6. It's payback time. When a woman catches her man cheating, she figures she's got a right to a little indulgence of her own. She may heal her hurt feelings by having an affair with another man.

5. Her ego needs a boost. She can be in a relationship with a perfectly wonderful loving man and still need extra affirmation that she's sexy. Having an affair is an easy way for her to be reminded that she's desirable.

4. The fantasy has fizzled. The romance fades and the woman realizes the guy she married is not the hot fantasy man she fell in love with. Instead he's a mass of irksome habits that are starting to get under her skin.

3. The passion has fizzled. Some women are in pretty good marriages. Things are good, the kids are fine, the husband's okay - but she's bored and needs some excitement. She feels a casual affair may put some zing back in her days.

2. Parallel lives. He wants to shoot pool with his buddies or watch football in his free time; she'd rather go antiquing or watch a romantic movie. When couples start doing things separately, the odds of her connecting with someone else who shares her interests increases.

1. Familiarity has bred indifference. The most common justification for infidelity heard from women who have cheated is that they feel taken for granted. She and her man discuss what the kids did in school, which bills need to be paid, when the car needs an oil change and whether they should paint the house, but they haven't really TALKED in a while about hopes, dreams and ideals - the stuff they spent hours discussing in each others' arms before they had kids, car payments and a mortgage.

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