Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Pass The Cranberries
Monday, November 24, 2008
Music=Better Test Scores
This new study just adds to the value of music. Past research has shown music can bring back strong memories, reduce stress, and even boost athletic performance. Study results show kids aged 8 - 11 who had studied either piano or a string instrument had 15% higher vocabulary scores and 11% higher non-verbal reasoning scores.
The longer the child was musically trained, the higher the scores. Experts say music involves grasping patterns, and the non-verbal reasoning task involves grasping patterns. You have to pay attention to the pattern of sounds, and you also have to pay attention to the pattern of the notes when you're looking at music notation
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Happy Healthy Thanksgiving
1. No frying. Roast your turkey instead.
2. Whole Grains. Replace some of the white bread in your stuffing recipe with whole-grain bread.
3. Avoid second helpings.
4. Eat slowly. Savor the meal and your company. The slower you eat, the less you'll eat since your body will be able to tell you that it's full.
5. Avoid the pie....or at least the pie crust. Most pie crusts are made with either lard or shortening. Either way, they're full of fat.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Mariel's Bakes
She's decided to use her bakes to help raise money for the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center. So far she's raised almost $1900! Her goal is to raise a total of $3000 by Christmas. Mariel's Chocolate Lover's Basket is $55Mariel's Holiday Time Basket is $65Mariel's Health, Happiness, and Prosperity Basket is $75 Five dollars from each Mariel's Bakes Gift Basket is being donated to the MCCAC. Her goal is to sell 200 baskets.
To order, please call Mariel 732-972-0325 or emailrgoldenmd@aol.com I, personally, have tasted Mariel's amazing chocolate cake and it is the best I've ever had and can be included in a gift basket. You can also see a picture of her Bakes on the Lou & Liz page at 943thepoint.com.
Good luck, Mariel, and thanks for your involvement in the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center. You're setting a great example for students throughout Monmouth County.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Know Your Medicines
Make sure to get the following questions answered before taking any medication:
- The name of the drug and what it's used for, and whether it's the brand name or the generic- How and when to take the medicine and for how long- What foods, drinks, other meds, dietary supplements or activities to avoid
- The common side effects
- If the medicine will work safely with other prescriptions and over-the-counter meds and dietary/herbal supplements that you're currently taking
- If and when you might need a refill
- How the medicine should be stored
You should inform your health care provider of the following:
- The name of all prescription and non-prescription meds and dietary/herbal supplements you are taking
- If you are allergic to any meds
- If you are having any problems with your meds
- If you are or could be pregnent
- If you are breast feeding
Keep the Poison Help Hotline number posted in case of emergency: 1-800-222-1222
Friday, November 14, 2008
Best Places To Raise Children
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Six Reasons Why Women Cheat,
6. It's payback time. When a woman catches her man cheating, she figures she's got a right to a little indulgence of her own. She may heal her hurt feelings by having an affair with another man.
5. Her ego needs a boost. She can be in a relationship with a perfectly wonderful loving man and still need extra affirmation that she's sexy. Having an affair is an easy way for her to be reminded that she's desirable.
4. The fantasy has fizzled. The romance fades and the woman realizes the guy she married is not the hot fantasy man she fell in love with. Instead he's a mass of irksome habits that are starting to get under her skin.
3. The passion has fizzled. Some women are in pretty good marriages. Things are good, the kids are fine, the husband's okay - but she's bored and needs some excitement. She feels a casual affair may put some zing back in her days.
2. Parallel lives. He wants to shoot pool with his buddies or watch football in his free time; she'd rather go antiquing or watch a romantic movie. When couples start doing things separately, the odds of her connecting with someone else who shares her interests increases.
1. Familiarity has bred indifference. The most common justification for infidelity heard from women who have cheated is that they feel taken for granted. She and her man discuss what the kids did in school, which bills need to be paid, when the car needs an oil change and whether they should paint the house, but they haven't really TALKED in a while about hopes, dreams and ideals - the stuff they spent hours discussing in each others' arms before they had kids, car payments and a mortgage.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Tips for an exceptional, superb, and powerful life
1. Take a 10 - 30 minute walk every day.
2. Sit in silence for at least ten minutes every day.
3. Record your late-night shows and get more sleep.
4. When you wake up in the morning, figure out your purpose for the day.
5. Live with energy, enthusiasm, and empathy.
6. Watch more movies, play more games, and read more books.
7. Make time to practice yoga or prayer.
8. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 8.
9. Dream more while you are awake.
10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less foods that are manufactured in plants
11. Dring green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, salmon, broccoli, nuts, and extra dark chocolate!
12. Make at least three people smile each day.
13. Clear the clutter from your house, your car, and your desk.
14. Don't waste your energy on gossip, issues of the past, negative thoughts, or things you can't control.
15. Realize that you are here to learn. Problems can teach you life lessons.
16. Eat a big breakfast and a light dinner.
17. Smile and laugh more.
18. Remember that overall, life is good.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
20. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
21. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
22. Make peace with your past so it doesn't screw up your present.
23. Don't compare your life to others'.
24. Burn the candles and use the nice bed sheets. Don't save it all for special occasions. Make today special.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26. When you think something is a disaster, ask yourself how much this will matter in five years.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. What other people think of you is none of your business.
29. Time heals. Give it time.
30. However bad a situation is, it will change.
31. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful, or joyful.
32. Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.
33. The best is yet to come.
34. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
35. Do the right thing!
36. Call your family and friends often.
37. Each night before bed be grateful for what you have.
38. Feel blessed and not stressed.
39. Enjoy the ride. You only get one, so make the most of it.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Things You Should Keep In Your Car For An Emergency
A quart of engine oil
Radiator coolant
Weatherproof flashlight
Drinking water
Folding shovel
Fire extinguisher
Flares Reflective warning triangles
A can of air/patch for flats
Jumper cables
And for personal safety and comfort:
A basic first aid kit (bandages, dressings, waterproof tape, latex gloves, antiseptic wipes, wound ointment, cold packs)
EpiPen and antihistamine if you are allergic to bee stings
Mylar blanket
Toilet paper or paper towels
Pre-moistened towelettes or hand sanitizer
A whistle (you can blow longer than you can scream)
Portable radio for emergency bulletins without running down your car's battery
Spare clothes that can get dirty or help keep you warm
Sturdy shoes in case you have to walk for help
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Five A Day To Feeling Better
According to a think tank, a "five-a-day" program can improve your mental well-being, just like eating fruit and veggies enhances your physical health.
There are five basic things to encourage behavior that will make you feel better about yourself. More than 400 scientists helped compile this report to create the list of things you can do to make yourself happier. The five steps to happiness are:
1. Connect. Develope relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors to enrich your life and bring you support.
2. Be active. Sports, hobbies like gardening or dancing, or just a daily walk will make you feel good and maintain mobility and fitness.
3. Be curious. Note the beauty of everyday moments as well as the unusual, and reflect on them to help you appreciate what matters to you.
4. Learn. Fix a bike, learn an instrument, take cooking lessons, etc. The challenge and satisfaction of learning brings fun and confidence.
5. Give. Helping friends and strangers links your happiness to the community and is very rewarding.
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Best Dog For Your Sign
Aries: The American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) is a confident dog that makes a loyal and devoted companion for Aries. They are very trusting and friendly dogs, and if you assert yourself like a true Aries, they'll be obedient companions.
Taurus: The German shepherd -- intelligent, loyal, obedient, and easy to train. These dogs can be serious, like many Tauruses, but they are known for being great watchdogs, which helps put Taurus' mind at ease.
Gemini: Border Collies are super intelligent and lively, learn fast and are eager to please, which makes them easily adaptable to the Gemini world. They need a lot of mental and physical stimulation just like Geminis do.
Cancer: The Labrador retriever is the ideal dog not only for their sweet-natured, loving ways, but also because they are wonderful family pets. Labs are extremely friendly and mild-mannered, with a laid-back attitude; perfect for a family-centric Cancer sign.
Leo: The grand, loyal, and honorable Bullmastiff is Leo's type of dog. This huge dog is sure to turn heads wherever you go, giving Leos the attention they crave. But they're also cheerful, confident, attentive pets-- all characteristics that make any Leo dog owner swell with pride.
Virgo: The noble Weimaraner is perfect for Virgo. They're strong-minded and independent, and have almost boundless energy. Once these dogs know they can depend on you, you can depend on them to reacdh their full potential.
Libra: Affectionate and gentle, the Whippet is a charming dog with a peaceful demeanor. They like to run and play, but they're also happy enjoying the comforts of home. This make them more comfortable with Libra's indecisiveness than other breeds. They love attention and will appreciate your creativity when it comes to finding activities to enjoy together.
Scorpio: As a strong and powerful Scorpio, you probably don't see yourself with a small dog like a Chihuahua, but you may be surprised to find they're a good fit for Scorpios. They are curious and very loyal, demonstrating quite a jealous streak if another pet or person is getting more attention than they are. Just like Scorpio!
Sagittarius: Sagittarius needs a dog who's as happy at home as they are on a road trip, and that's a Golden Retriever. The breed has a great social personality and real passion for life. If Sag is up for doing it, so are they!
Capricorn: Pugs are tenacious and devoted but also have a cheerful way about them, much like the typical Capricorn. These dogs don't need a lot of maintenance and respond well to training.
Aquarius: Aquarius will want to consider the gracious Rhodesian Ridgeback. They're intelligent, which Aquarius can appreciate, and also very independent and willing to follow the road less traveled with Aquarius.
Pisces: Faithful, affectionate, and maybe a tad lazy, the Saint Bernard is a huge dog with a huge heart -- Pisces' perfect pooch! Saint Bernards are typically very calm, patient, and loyal, like Pisces. These dogs need companionship and Pisces is usually willing to accomodate the Saint Bernard's needs.