I want to thank Greg from Shop Rite for going above and beyond when it comes to customer service.
In case you missed us talking about this on the air this week, I had a 'bright idea' yesterday while walking around Shop Rite. The kids were playing in the childcare center there so I had time to leisurely shop, and I saw a sign in the bakery about getting a picture scanned on a birthday cake, and I thought that would be a great idea for my kids' party. Problem is, I had to do it by that day since the party's this weekend and they need a few days' notice.
So, not having my camera on me, I went over to the photo department and asked the guy behind the counter if he could possibly help me do something a little 'unusual'. I asked him if he had a camera on him (he had his cell phone camera) and if he could help me take some Webkinz out of the case and 'pose' them for a portrait. He very graciously spent time with me asking the Webkinz to smile for the camera (ha!) until he got the right shot, then edited it and printed it for me to take over to the bakery to place the cake order in time. How's that for someone going the extra mile for a customer he never met? So, thanks again, Greg! The boys will be thrilled to see their Webkinz on their birthday cake.
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