Tuesday, April 6, 2010

10 Easy Ways To Lose 10 Pounds

(From Glamour.com)

Fill half your plate with veggies – veggies and fruit are nutrient dense and act as calorie control. Split the other half between lean protein and a whole grain starch.

Rethink the drink – stopping the sugary drinks can cut more pounds than skipping sugar in the stuff you eat! Nixing sodas (and the like) can also help you crave fewer sugary foods like candy or cookies.

Intervals – rather than the long cardio slog you’ve grown accustomed to, try one with bursts of fast and lulls of a recovery pace. You can actually burn more calories in the same time.

Hold the condiments or creamy add-ons – and things like extra cheese, and you could cut as much as 300 calories a meal.

Take time in the morning to plan your meals. If you know what you’re eating, you’re less likely to over-eat or pick up something that’s not a part of your plan. Figuring out what’s in store for the day takes the guess work out when you’re hungry.

Grab a ten – if you’re still doing reps with little five pound weights, pick up some heavier weights and pack on a bit of muscle, which boosts your metabolism.

Fiber for breakfast – breakfast itself will help fire up metabolism, and a fiber-filled starter does double duty – getting you going and keeping you feeling full.

8. Portions – until you really measure you don’t know what a ‘single serving’ is. Here are the shortcuts:

-- Carbs: about the size of your fist

-- Lean protein – about an iPhone

-- Condiments – one tablespoon

-- Ice cream – half a tennis ball

Eat every 3 – 4 hours –Smart snacking can help your body burn calories effectively. Choose healthful snacks and you’ll never go hungry again.

10. Pat yourself on the back – you’re making smart choices and sticking to a plan. You deserve congrats each and every day….and a splurge now and then too!

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