Monday, November 30, 2009

Things Your Wife Or Girlfriend Hates About You


1. You don't pick up after yourself. Being tidy, at least a little bit, is vital to keep the peace. When things get out of control, they get gross -- and women melt down.

2. You stop trying -- Women are acutely aware of when guys stop trying to impress them. Marriage means you don't have to win her over anymore -- and this drives women bonkers.

3. You turn down sex -- On those rare occasions that your wife or girlfriend initiates and you don't respond, she is confused and irritated.

4. You ask her out via text -- Asking a woman out via text is a big turn-off. They'd much prefer you call.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What He'd Like To See You In

Cosmo asked guys “How do you like a girl to dress on a first date?”

64% said “Tight jeans and a hot top.”

One guy summed it up by saying that “This kind of outfit shows off her stuff without making her look like she’s trying too hard. It’s casual, so you know she’s game for anything.”

The runner-up was the little black dress – with 36% of guys saying that’s what they’d like to see women wearing on a first date.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ways To Revive Your Relationship

Ways To Revive Your Relationship (according to marriage counselors and therapists)

1. Just Do It! Get romantic even if you're not in the mood. Once you get going, you might get into it.

2. Attack the Problem, Not the Person. Try talking about the problem you're struggling with instead of pointing fingers at the other person and blaming them.

3. Praise...Even If You Don't Feel Like It. People are deeply attracted to those who are interested in them and appreciate them. So shower your partner with interest and adoration.

4. Slow Down. Be present. Notice your partner's good hair day or that they're wearing a sexy shirt.

5. Talk. Talk gets taken for granted and sometimes gets lost entirely. Spend time every day talking with your partner..and not about the bills.

6. Bring Back The Fun. Change it up. Bring something new to the table every month: try a class together, an activity, remember the things that were fun when you were dating and revisit them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ways Women Have Replaced Men With Technology

1. Artificial Insemination. Jennifer Anniston will star in an upcoming movie called The (Turkey) Baster! No lie!

2. HGTV (my favorite channel!!!!!) and Power Tools. Fix-it projects used to be the domain of men. Not anymore. HGTV along with do-it-yourself stores like Home Depot and Lowes have given women the access to tools and the know-how to use them.

3. Bug Spray. Men used to be handy because they were in charge of spider-squashing. These days, women no longer need men to step on the bugs. They just need to reach for the Raid.

4. Pepper Spray and Tasers. Once upon a time women were afraid to be out alone at night without a male bodyguard. and

5. know.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Unsung Heroes Who Deserve Holiday Gratitude

According to a new survey, here are the people you should remember with a gift or tip this season.

Unsung Heroes Who Deserve Holiday Gratitude:

10. Administrative Assistants
9. Health Care Workers
8. Clergy Members
7. Postal Workers
6. Your Boss
5. House Cleaners
4. Your Childcare Provider
3. Co-Workers
2. Teachers and Tutors
1. Neighbors