Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Turnpike Series

I received a funny email from a loyal listener and Mets fan today that I wanted to pass along to all of you, sent in by Ted from Eatontown with his view of this World Series:

As a Mets fan I am happy it's Philadelphia vs. the Yankees. Why you ask? Well, ONE of these teams will win the World Series BUT one of these teams will LOSE and that is the Mets fan's reward. We get to see agony, disappointment, sorrow, and all the things we felt in our '09 season on the faces of either the Yankees followers or the Phillie fans.

As a bonus, maybe the umpires can miss a call or two in the series so the Yank/Philly fans can lose sleep, cry, pout, and vomit over someone being out to get their team the way we did with the Mets.

World Series ticket: $300
World Series Program: $50.00
Parking: $25.00
Umpire blowing a call in this World Series: PRICELESS

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eight Pesky Behaviors That Can Kill A Relationship

1. Having an affair with his 'potential'. Acting like he'll be great following an 'extreme makeover' means you don't like him unless he changes.

2. Major mood swings. It's not good to take your personal stress out on your man. An occasional mood swing happens to the best of us, but when moody is the norm it'll kill a relationship.

3. Complaining to your friends. We all like to blow off steam but if you're picking up the phone every time he upsets you then you're going to have more of a relationship with your friends than you would if you communicated with your man.

4. Melodrama. If dating you means he has to get you flowers every time he leaves the toilet seat up...he's likely to find a lower maintenance girl.

5. Mothering him. Taking care of each other comes with the terrirory, but if you're the one cutting his nights short because you know he's got a 'big day tomorrow' or yelling for him to turn off the video game, you're rapidly turning into a mother instead of a lover.

6. Too much time together. Avoid being glued to your mate 24/7. Have a life.

7. Jealousy. You find a guy who actually tells you he loves you, but you're still checking his phone, hacking his email, and suspicious of his every moment away from you. A bit of jealousy is normal, but letting it run your life is unattractive.

8. Getting too comfortable. Eventually routine kicks in, but that doesn't mean it's time to abandon all effort. Be sure to keep romance alive and grooming a priority. Take the time to look your best and show you're not taking him for granted.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Radiothon Thank You's

There were so many people who helped us to have a successful radiothon this year, but there were a few people who helped me personally that I wanted to mention, too!

My close friends who stopped by to keep me company will get private thank-you's, but I really wanted to say thank you here to: Tracy at Salon By The Sea in Sea Girt for doing my hair (and playing our radio station!), Andrea Rosenfeld from Hot Rox Jewelry for her generous donation, Michelle from Balanced Body Massage and Wellness Center in Neptune for the fantastic massage after about 16 hours on the air, and Leigh Ann Borelli from Face To Fase Facial Spa and Cosmetic Studio in downtown Toms River for the facial and fresh makeup at 1 am (Terry Loftus and Laurie Cataldo also loved the facial massages!) and Leigh Ann's generous donation of auction items was much appreciated, too! I am lucky to have such incredibly creative, kind, and generous girlfriends in my!

Thank you so much!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why Some Guys Fear Marriage

I read this in a men's magazine about what a group of guys sitting around at a wedding reception had to say when contemplating settling down.

1."Will this work?" Screwing up a marriage is bad. Screwing up a marriage after having a kid or two is worse. It's better not to marry any woman than to marry the wrong woman.

2. Somebody better? Is the woman you're with the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Wouldn't it be horrible if you married someone and then discovered a BETTER woman later on?

3. No more 'old life'. If you have fun just relaxing, reading the sports page in silence and grabbing wings and beer with your buddies at Hooters whenever you want, marriage is not for you and never will be. Because marriage means the end of silence and the end of your 'old life.' You'll be trading those Hooters wings for parties at home with the neighbors.

4. Kids. Bad wives can be gotten rid of. Kids? They're with you forever. And they're expensive. You're looking at many years of car payments...with no car.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Why Men Cheat

Doctors of Human Development have a list of the reasons why men cheat. The number of men who cheat hasn't changed much since 1950: 50% of men cheat at some point in their marriages.

The number one reason: Men crave sexual variety. Other top reasons: They're unahppy with their mates. And another big reason: Boredom.

Now here are the reasons men SAY they cheat:

1. She's not what she used to be. If she's let her herself go, a guy may start looking at other women.

2. No one loves a nag. Perhaps nothing will drive a married man into the arms of another woman faster than a nagging wife.

3. She just doesn't 'get' him. Men who cheat say they don't feel understood by their mate.

4. It's the thrill. They like to play with fire. It adds a level of danger, which adds to the excitement.

5. Blame it on the 'hunter.' Some men just find themselves compelled to bust out of their day-to-day routine in search of something new. It's a primitive instinct that dates back to their role as hunter. Only this time, they're hunting new women.

6. Biology. It's in a man's biological nature to be with as many females as possible. And even a guy who has the most beautiful woman on earth can get sick of her body and want to see another one.

7. It's just sex. For most guys, sex and love are two entirely different things. Some really believe they can still love their wife AND want to have sex with other women. They separate that in their brain, which usually allows a guy to cheat guilt-free.

8. Not tonight, dear. Let's face it. men want more sex than women. So when their partner is tired from wrangling kids all day and unwilling to try new things, even the most loyal hubbies can get bored and go looking.

9. Because they can. It's hard for men to resist temptation, especially when it's at their fingertips. Including the internet.