Lou and I recently talked about the Top Ten Common Dreams and what they might mean:
1. Lost or faulty items (you can't find your phone, your car breaks down) - This dream is alerting you to areas of your life that need repair or extra care right now. You may want to slow down and pay more attention.
2. Money (you receive a windfall, or you lose all in the stock market) - Money in dreams symbolizes what you value or find important in life. Try to explore what has been important to you in the past to see if your values have changed over time.
3. You find yourself back in the classroom, or you've failed a test - This dream indicates that there is a challenge in youir life and you fear failing.
4. You or a loved one is ill - You may be approaching a time of great change when some parts of your life are falling away and disappearing. It is rare that this dream forcasts an actual illness.
5. Being chased - This dream indicates that you may be feeling you have a lot of responsibilities that you are having a hard time keeping up with. It's known as the 'stress dream', meaning you should try to relax and slow down.
6. Teeth (you're smiling with nice teeth or your teeth are breaking) - Teeth represent stability. This dream will give important clues as to what your relationships are doing.
7. Nudity - Dreams of this nature mean you fear your true feelings being exposed and making you vulnerable.
8. Falling, flying, or sinking - Changing direction indicates becoming more aware of your unconscious mind and deepest innermost thoughts.
9. Water - Water in dreams is a sign of a certain emotional situation of importance in your life.
10. Missing a boat, plane, bus, train, etc. - Transportation vehicles in dreams symbolize the ability to move and act in the world, symbolizing our desire to accomplish our dreams and goals. When we 'miss the train' it can mean that we are having a hard time finding the motivation to act and move in the world.